Today, for the price of a computer and a double sized cheeseburger you can be up and running your own digital label in 48 hours - and licensing product globally by the weekend! Okay - forget the cheeseburger - just a reliable computer, a domain name and a good web host!
A new breed of producers, production companies, managers, artists and songwriters are making a killing right now operating online record companies. Think about it - it’s the next progressive step.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Your Song Code
Did you know that music can be written that encodes your birth date? The digits of your date become the “seed” notes which are used as the basis for the composition. These are tailor-made, human-composed pieces. Think DaVinci Code.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Another based on the same date: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Another based on the same date: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
You Can Draw Too!
Your friends will be amazed at how fast you progress as you learn the tips and tricks that will make you a great artist… and it won’t be long before they’ll pay you to draw pictures for them!
In this book I start with the basics, and take you through a series of lessons designed to make you see and think like an artist. You’ll begin to understand the principles of good design, and learn how to observe objects critically in order to perfect you drawing skills.
In this book I start with the basics, and take you through a series of lessons designed to make you see and think like an artist. You’ll begin to understand the principles of good design, and learn how to observe objects critically in order to perfect you drawing skills.
21 ways to Generate Mega Money Online and Offline - World Entertainment Information
This guide is designed for people like you: people who need money now; and can’t wait for some business opportunity to work itself out Also, this e-book provides information on Internet marketing, with new current secret about making money online. My friends calls it a secret formulated legal way to mega money online and offline. This is like actually a secret to everyone, but i thank God today that is no more a secret and soon you will know it. I mean this eBook is a legal way that i used to generate over $83,000 US a month, this is not what you gonna be ashamed of. I started last three month and i have made over $250,000 profit, no debt no tax. Am just like you, i have no other skills, am 19 years old but rich now, do not be fooled by my age. I was so poor before, no money then, i seated thinking about this for so long but now that i have found that secret formulated way for legal-mega money generator, yeah am about to share with you. You don’t need to spend money before achieving your goal with this eBook. This is a Guide that you can’t afford to pass you by. Simply because you have spent all your money on buying eBooks without any improvement, this is the end of your financial failure on earth, Have you ever said this,>> Enough already. That’s it. I have had a gutful. No more of this crap for me>> Now you must read this, This is a guide and is for you. Anyone Can Achieve Wealth Following This Simple Formula! Click below to get this eBook at $47 only and rejoice for ever!
I’ve tried countless other ways to make money… stocks, options, real estate, etc. While they all have their plusses and minuses, there is no better way to earn a substantial income than with this proven system. When you get your hands on my guide, you’re going to get everything you need to start making your own fortune on the Internet, in your spare time, from the comfort of your very own home.
I’ve tried countless other ways to make money… stocks, options, real estate, etc. While they all have their plusses and minuses, there is no better way to earn a substantial income than with this proven system. When you get your hands on my guide, you’re going to get everything you need to start making your own fortune on the Internet, in your spare time, from the comfort of your very own home.
About the Company: Originally the company was based around Specialised Printing in the 1980's, but as the growth of computers took over there wasn't a need to use a small printing company anymore, so we ourselves needed to diversify into other design fields.
Today we are mainly into 'Web Design' - 'Search Engine Optimisation' - 'Backlinking Specialists' - 'Web Consultants' - 'Internet Marketing' - 'Advanced Marketing Strategies'... but the structure of the business is built around 'WISDOM and PHILOSOPHY'. Basically ... Ethical solutions in this modern world...
Today we are mainly into 'Web Design' - 'Search Engine Optimisation' - 'Backlinking Specialists' - 'Web Consultants' - 'Internet Marketing' - 'Advanced Marketing Strategies'... but the structure of the business is built around 'WISDOM and PHILOSOPHY'. Basically ... Ethical solutions in this modern world...
Learn Wedding Photography from the Professionals
The Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 is the updated version of one of the best-selling professional training courses for beginner wedding photographers on the market. The original course sold worldwide for 4 years and helped hundreds of photographers start up and run their own successful wedding photography business!
If you want to break free from the hum-drum chains that are holding you back so that you can finally do something you love, either for a living or as a part time enterprise, the Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 will help you on your way.
If you want to break free from the hum-drum chains that are holding you back so that you can finally do something you love, either for a living or as a part time enterprise, the Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 will help you on your way.
Watch Photography Secrets
Attention: Calling all watch collectors, watch sellers, or anyone that just loves photographing them...
"Who Else Wants to Discover the Surprisingly Simple, Step-By-Step Methods for Taking Perfect Watch Photographs Every Time... 100% Guaranteed!"
"Who Else Wants to Discover the Surprisingly Simple, Step-By-Step Methods for Taking Perfect Watch Photographs Every Time... 100% Guaranteed!"
The Ultimate Mind Reading Trick
Detailed Description of the Ultimate Mind Reading Trick You tell the spectator that you have 10 cards and that each card has the name of 10 different countries on it. You let the spectator examine the cards to see that there is a total of 100 countries and that they are all different and that there are 10 different countries on each card. You now ask the spectator to just think of any of the 100 countries and keep it a secret. Once the spectator has chosen a country you simply ask him/her to tell you what card has the country that was selected. Once the spectator tells you the card, you pick up all of the cards and hand them to the spectator and have them shuffled. Once the cards are shuffled you ask the spectator to turn the cards over so now the back side of the cards are facing up. You have the spectator place the cards down back side up so that both of you can see all of the countries that are listed on the cards. You ask the spectator to find the country that he/she is thinking about, but not to say it out loud and to continue to keep it a secret. Once the spectator has located the selected country, ask him/her to simply let you know what card it is located on. Each of the cards facing up at this point have 10 different countries listed on them. You pick up the card that the spectator indicates has the selected country and you instantly reveal the name of the country that was chosen.
Take Better Digital Photos
If you've got a digital camera, like to take photos, but haven't been coming up with the results you'd hoped for, I can help you.
You're by no means alone in your frustration at not getting the same kind of bright, exciting images you see in magazines or on the walls of galleries, or in newspapers or displays in shops.
You're by no means alone in your frustration at not getting the same kind of bright, exciting images you see in magazines or on the walls of galleries, or in newspapers or displays in shops.
Toni Lloret - Ideas, Phrases and Exercises for the modern guitarrists
Alternate Picking: Sequences on one string, two strings, all six strings, arpeggios, pentatonics, ideas and phrases and hybrid picking (pick and fingers)
Legato: Legato with scales, legato and picking, pentatonic legato, arpeggios with string skipping, stretching and stretch arpeggios.
Legato: Legato with scales, legato and picking, pentatonic legato, arpeggios with string skipping, stretching and stretch arpeggios.
The Ultimate Producer Pack Is One Of The Biggest Software and Hardware Production Tools On The Net. Over 30gb Of Sounds For One Low Price!!!
Sound Sets From Popular Keyboards Included!!! Why Spend Thousands On These Synths When You Can Just Buy The Ultimate Producer Pack!!!
Sound Sets From Popular Keyboards Included!!! Why Spend Thousands On These Synths When You Can Just Buy The Ultimate Producer Pack!!!
Artists, learn how to sell your art for maximum profits.
Take a Moment to Read This Letter... Let Me Prove How Easy It Can Be For You to Start Selling Your Art or Craftwork Right Now!
Today, I consider my art to be above average, some even consider it to be pretty good, but I know there are lots of glass artists better than I am. Unfortunately, many of them struggle to make a living with their art no matter how beautiful it is. I happen to make good money selling my work...not because I’m the greatest glass artist that ever lived nor because I enjoy "selling"... It's because I learned the secrets on how to make my art Desirable and Profitable... and YOU CAN TOO!
Today, I consider my art to be above average, some even consider it to be pretty good, but I know there are lots of glass artists better than I am. Unfortunately, many of them struggle to make a living with their art no matter how beautiful it is. I happen to make good money selling my work...not because I’m the greatest glass artist that ever lived nor because I enjoy "selling"... It's because I learned the secrets on how to make my art Desirable and Profitable... and YOU CAN TOO!
Our handbook is now available on!
Dan Speaker and Jan Bryant (The Prisoner, Tengu, Almighty Thor, Master and Commander, Hook, Army of Darkness, and more) are among the top experts in fight design, action choreography, and weapons combat for the motion picture industry. With years of experience bringing some of Hollywood’s best fight scenes to life, they can provide action tailored to the needs of any project, complete with choreography fitting the story and characters, on-set coordination of the action, and specialized training for actorsin any fighting style, historical or modern, necessary for the production.The Academy Swordmasters are available for film, TV, Internet, video games, or stage combat projects. While specialists in sword fighting, they will create choreography for all types of weaponry. Please call to discuss your specific needs. In addition to providing project-specific training and coordinating action, the Academy Swordmasters also offer an ongoing professional training class for stunt performers and actors. If you are interested learning more about stage combat by joining the professional training program, you should take the Academy’s Introductory Fight Class, offered monthly (check the What’s New page for the next one).
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tattoo Designs - Huge selection of Tattoos
I am sure you will agree that trying to decide which tattoo to get is extremely difficult! The sad truth is that most tattoos are selected in a hurry while flipping through binders in a local shop. That is NOT the way that such an important, permanent and life-long decision should be made. It often results in people regretting they ever got inked! The secret to finding the perfect design is to browse through a lot of ideas before you settle on one. That is where the problem comes in... On my most recent tat, I spent countless hours searching for tattoos on website after website...most of the time frustrated because I found nothing of interest. In a perfect world, all decisions would be made based on careful consideration in peace and quiet with an endless supply of tattoo designs to choose from... ...that is where can help make that dream a reality.
Now you do not have to go through stacks and stacks of binders at your local shop to find the design that you always wanted.
Now you do not have to go through stacks and stacks of binders at your local shop to find the design that you always wanted.
Talk Radio on the Computer
The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires a more recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
Listen to Talk Radio on a regular basis and spend hours every week in front of a computer, then the Ultimate Internet Talk Radio Directory can help you take advantage of the many streaming talk radio programs available today.
Listen to Talk Radio on a regular basis and spend hours every week in front of a computer, then the Ultimate Internet Talk Radio Directory can help you take advantage of the many streaming talk radio programs available today.
The Official Website for Storybook Advent Calendar and Carols Collections
At Storybook Advent, we're passionate about education, history, God and the fundamental human rights illustrated within Kingdom principles of the New Testament. Its creators, Laura Lewis and Michael Brech, are intellectuals as well as artists and Christians. Yes! Faith and intelligence are compatible! Both grew up with a love of learning, God and culture. Storybook Advent, the music and all aspects celebrate Christ's ministry in addition to classic literature, classic music, history, human rights and current events affecting Christians around the world. If you've been craving a refreshing alternative to the negativity of recent years within the church, Storybook Advent is a breath of fresh air. Products include Books, Music, Ringtones, Wallpaper, QDreams and Charity fund-raising opportunities.
This delightful collection includes the Storybook Advent Calendar with 24 Christmas stories, the Caroling Songbook with 43 versions of 37 popular carols and three CDs featuring 20 American and 20 Classic British and European Christmas Carols.
This delightful collection includes the Storybook Advent Calendar with 24 Christmas stories, the Caroling Songbook with 43 versions of 37 popular carols and three CDs featuring 20 American and 20 Classic British and European Christmas Carols.
Unlike other products and books I have bought and read before, my system actually provides easy to understand instructions, and a step by step plan, to create and operate a successful and profitable photography business, starting out by working from your own home.
Plenty of others will tell you about taking great photographs, but not how to make real money from them.
Plenty of others will tell you about taking great photographs, but not how to make real money from them.
Starting A Photo Business Ideas Resource
If you're wanting to learn how to start a photo business... Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
'Finally! Ideas for starting a photo business that anyone can use!' It doesn't matter if you haven't got a bit of business experience, you can use your photography skills to start a part-time or full-time business in a hurry... all without breaking the bank!
'Finally! Ideas for starting a photo business that anyone can use!' It doesn't matter if you haven't got a bit of business experience, you can use your photography skills to start a part-time or full-time business in a hurry... all without breaking the bank!
Start A Photo Business - Photography secrets for the Wedding, Portrait Photography Business
What would life be like for you if YOU could do anything you would like? What if you had more time to spend with your family, and be available when they needed you most? What if you could make enough money to support you and your family, and have the extras in life you've been dreaming of (like that new car, and the two week vacation)? What if you could work on a schedule that is convenient for you? What if this dream could become your reality in just a few short months?
The truth is over 75 percent of people contemplate starting their own business at some point in their life. And of those 75 percent, one in three will actually take the steps necessary to start their own business.
The truth is over 75 percent of people contemplate starting their own business at some point in their life. And of those 75 percent, one in three will actually take the steps necessary to start their own business. :: Sosnowski Synthesizer
- Four multi-function oscillators - (sine, triangle, square, sawtooth, - and noise waveforms on each)
With a simple, clear, easy-to-use and well-organized layout and sensible architecture, the Sosnowski Synthesizer is ideal for newcomers to the art; yet, with its rich feature set and thorough controllability, even seasoned professionals will find it an attractive and inexpensive addition to their resources.
With a simple, clear, easy-to-use and well-organized layout and sensible architecture, the Sosnowski Synthesizer is ideal for newcomers to the art; yet, with its rich feature set and thorough controllability, even seasoned professionals will find it an attractive and inexpensive addition to their resources.
Arts amp; Entertainment,
Learn to Salsa Lessons Brisbane
Now that you’ve started your journey into Latin Dance, you are probably finding yourself becoming addicted to the intoxicating rhythms of Latin dance styles. If you are looking at gaining confidence, improving your skills on the dance floor, or if you would just like to get some fresh moves under your belt, Smooth Dance Moves online dance learning centre can help you to review and practice the elements you are learning
Just getting started? No problem! Go to Video Lessons, select the style of dancing you'd like to learn Salsa 0n1, Salsa on2, Salsa Shines, Bachata, Zouk, Cha Cha Cha, Argentine Tango or Gafieira Samba and then do each lesson in the order presented. We'll see you on the dance floor soon!
Just getting started? No problem! Go to Video Lessons, select the style of dancing you'd like to learn Salsa 0n1, Salsa on2, Salsa Shines, Bachata, Zouk, Cha Cha Cha, Argentine Tango or Gafieira Samba and then do each lesson in the order presented. We'll see you on the dance floor soon!
Simple Sight Reading - Learn How To Read Music!
What if I could show you a better way of reading music, offer it to you for a full 60 days with no risk and do it all for less than the cost of an average private lesson?
Hello and welcome! You've most likely come to this page for 1 of 2 reasons. Either 1, you are a complete beginner researching the best way to learn how to read music. Or 2, you are frustrated with the results from trying to learn to read music the traditional way. Well I've got some good news for you both... THE OLD TRADITIONAL WAY ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST WAY!
Hello and welcome! You've most likely come to this page for 1 of 2 reasons. Either 1, you are a complete beginner researching the best way to learn how to read music. Or 2, you are frustrated with the results from trying to learn to read music the traditional way. Well I've got some good news for you both... THE OLD TRADITIONAL WAY ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST WAY!
Shred Academy - Exclusive Lessons for Lead Guitarists
If you're reading this, chances are - You want to be an awesome guitarist. - You want to have the kind of talent that impresses YOU when you see it in other people. - You probably want to get these skills FAST, but - find the wealth of information out there a bit overwhelming.
HERE. 1 wise investment - it will be the first and last you ever need to make on guitar tuition. EVER!
HERE. 1 wise investment - it will be the first and last you ever need to make on guitar tuition. EVER!
Sing It Right the First Time - eBook
If you are interested in learning how to quickly sight-read vocal music, then this is going to be the most important information you'll ever read...
Recently, a new breakthrough in Sight Singing was discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called Sing It Right the First Time.
Recently, a new breakthrough in Sight Singing was discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called Sing It Right the First Time.
Learn How to Play Piano With Rosa Today!
Rosa’s Learn How to Play Piano – Piano Video Lessons save you time and money. The Internet has countless websites offering piano lessons: Learn How to Play Piano quickly. There are literally thousands of piano video lessons that teach you how to use the chord-method to play piano quickly. Why should you choose mine? You literally have to sift through many sites to decide which piano lessons to buy.
Your money and time are precious. Rosa’s How To Play Piano – Piano Video Lessons can truly make a difference for you. The difference lies in my teaching approach. All my piano video lessons are personally designed from my 27 years of performing experiences as a church pianist. I write and teach from my heart.
Your money and time are precious. Rosa’s How To Play Piano – Piano Video Lessons can truly make a difference for you. The difference lies in my teaching approach. All my piano video lessons are personally designed from my 27 years of performing experiences as a church pianist. I write and teach from my heart.
RPM 4 Guitar:Solo Book » RPM for Guitar Solo
In fact, you can learn how to play guitar solos FASTER and CHEAPER than you ever could taking guitar lessons.
Hello, my name is Michael Lee (that’s me over there) and I have been playing guitar all over the country for more than 25 years.
Hello, my name is Michael Lee (that’s me over there) and I have been playing guitar all over the country for more than 25 years.
Relaxing Music Pro- World's First Day & Night Soothing Mp3 Album, Meditation Music
Relaxing Music Pro is created by one of the best American artists Rick Moyer, who has years of experience in composing music of all varieties. The sounds he created were so relaxing and not only takes you into deep thought, but also inspiring and motivating.
Get Whole Album (14 Tracks, 280+ Minutes Playing Time) For Only $17 Today (Note: Album in mp3 format for instant download. No shipping required.)
Get Whole Album (14 Tracks, 280+ Minutes Playing Time) For Only $17 Today (Note: Album in mp3 format for instant download. No shipping required.)
Promotion for Music - How to Market Your Songs and Music in the New Music Industry
We cover unique new music marketing techniques and learn about how to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities that exist for indie musicians for promoting their songs and music directly to thousands of new fans, without having to form an oppressive so-called “partnership” with a typical record label.
While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Professional Photography: Success Without School
* Have you ever wondered how to cross-over from amateur photographer to professional? * Have you read any "how to" books but still have a day job?
Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.
Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.
Pro Speed Picking
“Are you ready to master such crucial techniques as sweep picking, alternate picking, circular picking, and legato picking?”
My name is R. S. Rasnic, and I’ve been playing and teaching guitar for over 20 years. I’ve taught literally hundreds of students in my time, studied rock, blues, jazz and classical guitar, and played in countless rock, blues, and house bands. I’ve spent incalculable hours studying the mechanics of guitar technique and have developed a solid system of improving guitar speed, technique, and timing. It’s called “Pro Speed Picking,” and hundreds of guitar players have used my system to improve their technique and speed.
My name is R. S. Rasnic, and I’ve been playing and teaching guitar for over 20 years. I’ve taught literally hundreds of students in my time, studied rock, blues, jazz and classical guitar, and played in countless rock, blues, and house bands. I’ve spent incalculable hours studying the mechanics of guitar technique and have developed a solid system of improving guitar speed, technique, and timing. It’s called “Pro Speed Picking,” and hundreds of guitar players have used my system to improve their technique and speed.
Guitar Strings & Bass Strings eBook
If you are reading this, then you most likely know your stuff when it comes to guitars and equipment. Nobody can pull the wool over your eyes when it comes to selecting a good guitar or amplifier. In fact, if you are like most good musicians, you own more than a couple of instruments. Now, let’s think about something more specific to your sound. If you could improve one of those guitars with just one set of strings, would that be of interest to you? If your answer is Yes, then you might be interested in this… Professor String has just published a book about one of the most misunderstood components of the guitar: Strings. All sounds made by your guitar or bass start with the vibration of a string. Yet most guitarists overlook the basic principles of how to select the best strings for their playing style. They often start with a particular brand of string and stick with it forever. Or, they are constantly switching brands and never focus on anything specific to their playing goals. The facts about guitar and bass strings are being exposed for you in Professor String's latest e-book called "Think You Know Guitar Strings?" It has been written as a guide that helps both beginners and advanced players. You most likely have a fun guitar and great chops, but do you know anything about ASI? If is your chance to learn about it. For the first time, someone has written a chapter about Advanced String Intonation (ASI). Very little has been written about ASI. No single book or guide has been published about this topic until now. Professor String has been consulted by many of the worlds top guitar and bass luthiers about ASI issues over the years. If you are reading this, and do not know about ASI, you are too good of a player to simply ignore it. In the present day era of advanced digital tuners, ASI has become more prevalent to your tuning. This is the only book you will find on the market that covers the issues of ASI.
DISCLAIMER: If you are serious about playing in tune, you must get this book and read the ASI chapter.
DISCLAIMER: If you are serious about playing in tune, you must get this book and read the ASI chapter.
Dan and Joe's Survival Guide for Biginning Pianists
How does a student who knows NOTHING about piano playing learn from a manual? In order to answer this question, it's good to know which two types of manuals you should avoid:
Beginner piano books should make you feel like someone is talking to you in a friendly manner.
Beginner piano books should make you feel like someone is talking to you in a friendly manner.
Great Christmas Piano Hits!
These three magnificent E-books for the total beginner, intermediate and advanced players contain amazingly clear VIDEO TUTORIALS and beautiful arrangements of your favorite Christmas songs.
My name is David and together with Ido, my business partner and fellow musician, we've been providing piano lessons on-line since 2008. We've taught THOUSANDS of online students and strive to spread the love for Piano and make Piano playing easy and accessible to everyone.
My name is David and together with Ido, my business partner and fellow musician, we've been providing piano lessons on-line since 2008. We've taught THOUSANDS of online students and strive to spread the love for Piano and make Piano playing easy and accessible to everyone.
Photoshop Warrior-Insider Secrets Training Course
Photoshop Warrior Is Not the Following Not pricey- This is not some pricey home study course that requires more payments to get the complete package. Not time consuming- Everything you need to master Photoshop fast is here ...
Take these $905 BONUSES with you ONLY If you ORDER PHOTOSHOP WARRIOR INSIDER SECRETS TRAINING COURSE TODAY!! Lastly, one person's delay can be another person's opportunity. I know it's not fair but this is reality. This ...
Take these $905 BONUSES with you ONLY If you ORDER PHOTOSHOP WARRIOR INSIDER SECRETS TRAINING COURSE TODAY!! Lastly, one person's delay can be another person's opportunity. I know it's not fair but this is reality. This ...
20 Ways to Market Your Photography Business - Home Page
Finally revealed... how to transform yourself from "starving artist" to "successful photographer" in 3 life-changing steps. Even in a lousy economy like ours!
Marketing is the one essential ingredient that separates the $500-per-year photographer from the $50,000-per-year photographer? And this book will show you how to become part of the second group.
Marketing is the one essential ingredient that separates the $500-per-year photographer from the $50,000-per-year photographer? And this book will show you how to become part of the second group.
Digital Photography Mastery
If you want to really learn digital photography... if you have a digital camera but don't understand half of its features... if you are considering moving up from an old "film-style" camera to a digital camera, but aren't quite sure what kind of camera to get... this website was written just for you.
So when I got my Canon EOS digital camera for Christmas, my friends thought it was kind of funny.
So when I got my Canon EOS digital camera for Christmas, my friends thought it was kind of funny.
How to Photograph Weddings, Groups, Portraits and Babies
There is no Point being a Brilliant Photographer if you Cannot Effectively Sell your Services..... Click Here for Information on the Best Wedding Photography Marketing Course I've Ever Seen. This Comes Very Highly Recommended.
Now, no matter your reason(s), you can finally rest easy, because I've designed my cutting-edge wedding, group and portraiture package with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results -- FAST -- even if other guides or courses have not been successful for you...
Now, no matter your reason(s), you can finally rest easy, because I've designed my cutting-edge wedding, group and portraiture package with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results -- FAST -- even if other guides or courses have not been successful for you...
Arts amp; Entertainment,
baby photography,
group photography tips,
how do I photograph a wedding,
how to photograph a wedding,
learn wedding photography,
photographing a wedding,
photography tips,
portrait photography,
wedding photography techniques
Learn to dance online at home 24/7 - Learn how to dance videos online
In today’s post I’d like to describe to you something that happens to me almost everyday…
You just learned the steps and lead/follow for the Circular Rumba walks dance move. Now it’s time to spice it up with arm styling! Learn how to create beautiful styling that will compliment your Rumba walks and side rocks.
You just learned the steps and lead/follow for the Circular Rumba walks dance move. Now it’s time to spice it up with arm styling! Learn how to create beautiful styling that will compliment your Rumba walks and side rocks.
Papercraft cars - Build high quality paper models
Many scale model builders use paper to create models. Why, you might ask? The first answer to that would be the way its completed. You start with a plain sheet of paper and under your hands it becomes a part of a car. The amount of time you spend on it doesnt matter much, though. Here comes the second part of the answer. The result. Every time you look at the model you had built, youll acknowledge how nice it looks. Nice and precious for you because it contains all your expertise, endurance and time. It contains a little part of you. I wish you success and many hours well spent, Tibor Nagy
High quality printable patterns to cut out and build paper scale models from. Detailed assembly guidance for all cars. Youll find the correct place for all parts. All cars are tested and tried. You are guaranteed to be able to do it! Over 250 enjoyable working hours. (around 50 hours for each car) You can print and build the cars as many times as you want.
High quality printable patterns to cut out and build paper scale models from. Detailed assembly guidance for all cars. Youll find the correct place for all parts. All cars are tested and tried. You are guaranteed to be able to do it! Over 250 enjoyable working hours. (around 50 hours for each car) You can print and build the cars as many times as you want.
Fabric Painting l Paint on Fabric I Paint With Texture I
Providing quick & easy decorative fabric painting & handbag making resources for artisans. . .
It’s true, in just a few minutes of watching my videos you can learn the exact step-by-step system for painting amazing abstract and floral designs that has taken me years to perfect. My easy fabric painting techniques will help you to create marketable designs that can be applied to just about any surface. So say goodbye to bland products that do not sell and hello to amazing products that keep your customers coming back for more!
It’s true, in just a few minutes of watching my videos you can learn the exact step-by-step system for painting amazing abstract and floral designs that has taken me years to perfect. My easy fabric painting techniques will help you to create marketable designs that can be applied to just about any surface. So say goodbye to bland products that do not sell and hello to amazing products that keep your customers coming back for more!
No More Waiters- How To Build Your Acting Business Without a Day Job!
My boss was right- I was leaving without having done any paid shows, but here I was, leaving my safe, secure 9-to-5 job to be an actor.
I'll tell you; I was thinking that it was getting too late for me, and that maybe I should just keep the job, give up the dream, and forget about entertaining anybody except for the guys at the water cooler.
I'll tell you; I was thinking that it was getting too late for me, and that maybe I should just keep the job, give up the dream, and forget about entertaining anybody except for the guys at the water cooler.
No Budget FilmMaking Ultra-Pack - The Ultimate Film Training Kit
I was once an aspiring filmmaker just like you. My parents paid thousands of dollars to send me to film school. About halfway through, I came to a realization...
Everything I REALLY needed to know was covered in the first week of Film School...everything else was just a waste of time. All these Film Schools and Expensive Training Courses are just fluff, dependant upon the fact that you think Filmmaking is hard and costs Millions of dollars.
Everything I REALLY needed to know was covered in the first week of Film School...everything else was just a waste of time. All these Film Schools and Expensive Training Courses are just fluff, dependant upon the fact that you think Filmmaking is hard and costs Millions of dollars.
Nativity Play Musical - Christmas Pageant Play - Christmas Carols Lyrics
"Off Season" Sale! We want to give you every opportunity to purchase the Comprehensive Christmas Nativity Play. So for the time being only pay this ridiculously low price: Pay $29 instead of $97!
f you'd like to experience a delightful Christmas musical play with all your favorite Christmas Carols, plus receive tons of help with production to make your play a delightful success, even if you've never done this before, then this might be the most welcome news you'll ever receive on the subject.
f you'd like to experience a delightful Christmas musical play with all your favorite Christmas Carols, plus receive tons of help with production to make your play a delightful success, even if you've never done this before, then this might be the most welcome news you'll ever receive on the subject.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Read Music Notes, How to Read Music Notes for Beginners, Children
Children get confused, bored, and want to drop out of their piano lessons. As parents and teachers we want to help -- but what can we do?
I have been a piano teacher for over 30 years. I have seen this problem so many times. I have surveyed all the piano teaching books, courses and ebooks on the market, and frankly, not one of them really helped children learn to read music notes in a quick, systematic way that was also fun.
I have been a piano teacher for over 30 years. I have seen this problem so many times. I have surveyed all the piano teaching books, courses and ebooks on the market, and frankly, not one of them really helped children learn to read music notes in a quick, systematic way that was also fun.
Play Popular Music, How to Play Popular Music
Popular music has always excited people who want to express themselves, to have fun with their friends, to entertain at parties, or to impress other people. They dream of playing the latest and greatest hits, the "golden oldies" and classic hits of pop and rock, country and western, jazz, gospel... or perhaps the great hymns, traditional folk songs, children's songs, you name it!
But for most people, music is a pastime, not a profession. With the hectic pace of life today, there just isn't time for hours of music practice.
But for most people, music is a pastime, not a profession. With the hectic pace of life today, there just isn't time for hours of music practice.
Let’s face it, you love music! - Music Mastery Class
Ever wonder what it would be like to sing in front of a huge audience? How about writing a song that gets played on the biggest radio station in town? What about getting your band that elusive record deal?
The truth is, none of these things are as hard as the rest of the world makes them seem. It’s not a walk in the park either, but with enough hard work and the right amount of knowledge, you can, believe it or not, make these dreams a reality.
The truth is, none of these things are as hard as the rest of the world makes them seem. It’s not a walk in the park either, but with enough hard work and the right amount of knowledge, you can, believe it or not, make these dreams a reality.
How to Sell Your Album and Make Money Selling Your CD --
Do you stand on the corner trying to sell your music? Do you enter talent shows and do free concerts in the hopes of being discovered? Maybe you know someone like this or maybe you are someone like this. Maybe having some success selling your music, but not as much as you would like to. I know what you're going through, that's why I've put together a system that will allow you to make more money than a doctor or a lawyer even without being "discovered" by a major label right away. I'll show you how to make money from the beginning so getting signed will just be the icing on the cake. Read ahead and you can find out how to make your dreams of financial success come true in the music industry.
What makes the person who can sell a hundred thousand albums independently different from the person who can only sell a hundred?
What makes the person who can sell a hundred thousand albums independently different from the person who can only sell a hundred?
Understanding Misdirection - Understanding Misdirection
Understanding misdirection is a short ebook designed to give magicians the basic understanding of key principles involved in using misdirection within their magic.
Misdirection is more than just getting your audience to look somewhere else. It involves establishing, controlling and directing their attention where you want it, when you want to.
Misdirection is more than just getting your audience to look somewhere else. It involves establishing, controlling and directing their attention where you want it, when you want to.
Dress for Success: Mens Fashion Coordination for Suits, Shirts, & Ties
You might be attempting to put your different apparel together but you are never happy how they are matched? Then you will be glad to know what you are going to read below.
I have just spent months putting the art of coordinating into this ebook with simple to follow steps and concepts. It will help you get everything into perspective and start matching easily the very NEXT DAY…
I have just spent months putting the art of coordinating into this ebook with simple to follow steps and concepts. It will help you get everything into perspective and start matching easily the very NEXT DAY…
Promoting & Selling Your Art by Carole Katchen
Would you like to have an agent, who sells your art and promotes your career? Or would you prefer to have a contract with a gallery, which provides you a guaranteed monthly income? Carole Katchen has written two articles on that in her eBook. Subscribe here and we will send them to you for free:
Despite the fact that the paintings of Vincent van Gogh are being sold for tens of millions of dollars today, he died poor and desperate because his art didn't sell during his lifetime.
Despite the fact that the paintings of Vincent van Gogh are being sold for tens of millions of dollars today, he died poor and desperate because his art didn't sell during his lifetime.
Order indie film
In most film schools and film production colleges the art of filmmaking is taught with the idea in mind that you will have a big studio budget to back your film.
Unfortunately, most people graduate and find that the big studios have no interest in their films and so they are forced to learn things about how to make a movie that they were never taught in film schools. They find that most independent films are created with a shoestring budget, and they are not connected to any major film studios.
Unfortunately, most people graduate and find that the big studios have no interest in their films and so they are forced to learn things about how to make a movie that they were never taught in film schools. They find that most independent films are created with a shoestring budget, and they are not connected to any major film studios.
Magic Secrets Network
WARNING TO POTENTIAL SUBSCRIBERS Through this gate, secrets are revealed. If this is your introduction to magic, consider the following quotation before joining.
"It's in the very trickery that it pleases me. But show me how the trick is done, and I have lost my interest therein." - Seneca the Younger, In his 45th Epistle to Lucilius (4 B.C.-A.D. 65)
"It's in the very trickery that it pleases me. But show me how the trick is done, and I have lost my interest therein." - Seneca the Younger, In his 45th Epistle to Lucilius (4 B.C.-A.D. 65)
Cape Cod ChagrinFalls Chautauqua Florals/Still Lifes France Greece/ Turkey Hawaii Hilton Head Kiawah Lakeside Monet's Garden Montages Naples, FL Niagara on the Lake Notecards
Provence Rural Landscapes Sanibel San Miguel MX Sea,Boats,Sunsets
Provence Rural Landscapes Sanibel San Miguel MX Sea,Boats,Sunsets
Violin Lessons - How to Play The Violin
Most people want to learn the violin because they want to play their favorite songs on the violin. With this in mind, we have created hundreds of step-by-step video guides of the most famous and most requested violin songs!
So from the top hits of today and yesterday you can watch and learn how to play your favorite songs!
So from the top hits of today and yesterday you can watch and learn how to play your favorite songs!
Jose Charles – Seychelles Sega Music At Its Best!
Jose Charles took an interest in music at a very young age and by ten was playing his first instrument. Born in the late 50’s, he began songwriting at fifteen and in the late 70’s formed the group Mood. After two years with them he went solo and released a cassette. Most of his songs received daily airplay on the SBC radio. He left Seychelles in the mid 80’s to live in UK where he teamed up with fellow Seychellois and formed the group Kazoo and released their first album. They performed in several pubs in London and their songs were played mostly on Spectrum radio.
Jose returned to Seychelles in 1992. During the 90’s he performed seven nights weekly in most of the hotels. With nine albums on the market and getting daily airplay on radio and frequently on television Jose is no wonder, one among the best singer/songwriter in Seychelles.
Jose returned to Seychelles in 1992. During the 90’s he performed seven nights weekly in most of the hotels. With nine albums on the market and getting daily airplay on radio and frequently on television Jose is no wonder, one among the best singer/songwriter in Seychelles.
ORDER - Jazz Booking Guide
Every day jazz musicians around the world call my office asking if I can represent them and book their tours. They contact me because over fifteen years I’ve worked with award winning international jazz artists including Stephane Grappelli, Martin Taylor, Jamie Cullum, Claire Martin, Bireli Lagrene, Bill Wyman, Didier Lockwood, Andreas Oberg & Sacha Distel. I’ve booked artists into venues ranging from London’s Royal Albert Hall to New York’s Carnegie Hall as well as some of the leading international jazz festivals and clubs. So read on if you want to know how to take your jazz career to the next level….
You know that getting ahead as a jazz musicians is just as much about who you know as how you play. Over the years I’ve built up a contact list of over 9,000 jazz festival directors, jazz club managers, concert presenters and jazz booking agents. It takes most people a lifetime to build that number of contacts with all the researching involved. But that’s not all…
You know that getting ahead as a jazz musicians is just as much about who you know as how you play. Over the years I’ve built up a contact list of over 9,000 jazz festival directors, jazz club managers, concert presenters and jazz booking agents. It takes most people a lifetime to build that number of contacts with all the researching involved. But that’s not all…
In Your Face Music™ Custom iPhone Application Service
Once you have entered all your data and information, it usually only take us 2 weeks to get the iPhone application into the App Store iTunes!
You can get started today for ONLY $119.90 which includes your first month of service and setup. Then for as long you want the service it is ONLY $19.95 a month!
You can get started today for ONLY $119.90 which includes your first month of service and setup. Then for as long you want the service it is ONLY $19.95 a month!
I Wish I Could Sing! How To Train Your Voice To Become A Professional Singer
“Amazingly Powerful Singing Lessons Train Your Voice For Professional Singing – On Stage, In The Studio and In A Live Band!”
The Only Training Program That Teaches You How To Strengthen Your Singing Voice… And Helps You Find Your Own, Unique Style Of Singing That Will Grab The RIGHT PEOPLE’S Attention and Help You Build A Life-Long Career Of Singing
The Only Training Program That Teaches You How To Strengthen Your Singing Voice… And Helps You Find Your Own, Unique Style Of Singing That Will Grab The RIGHT PEOPLE’S Attention and Help You Build A Life-Long Career Of Singing
RPM 4 Guitar:Solo Book » RPM for Guitar Solo
In fact, you can learn how to play guitar solos FASTER and CHEAPER than you ever could taking guitar lessons.
Hello, my name is Michael Lee (that’s me over there) and I have been playing guitar all over the country for more than 25 years.
Hello, my name is Michael Lee (that’s me over there) and I have been playing guitar all over the country for more than 25 years.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
How To Use GoPro Cameras: The Surf Edition
How To Use GoPro Cameras: The Surf Edition is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with GoPro in any way, so what you get in this book are real-life ocean-tested user tips and tricks.
My name is Jordan Hetrick, a professional water photographer for 15+ years and a lifelong surfer. When I bought my first GoPro® camera, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to discover how this new technology related to everything I’d ever learned in photography.
My name is Jordan Hetrick, a professional water photographer for 15+ years and a lifelong surfer. When I bought my first GoPro® camera, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to discover how this new technology related to everything I’d ever learned in photography.
Arts amp; Entertainment,
helmet cam,
time lapse,
Relaxing Music Pro- World's First Day & Night Soothing Mp3 Album, Meditation Music
Relaxing Music Pro is created by one of the best American artists Rick Moyer, who has years of experience in composing music of all varieties. The sounds he created were so relaxing and not only takes you into deep thought, but also inspiring and motivating.
Get Whole Album (14 Tracks, 280+ Minutes Playing Time) For Only $17 Today (Note: Album in mp3 format for instant download. No shipping required.)
Get Whole Album (14 Tracks, 280+ Minutes Playing Time) For Only $17 Today (Note: Album in mp3 format for instant download. No shipping required.)
Promotion for Music - How to Market Your Songs and Music in the New Music Industry
We cover unique new music marketing techniques and learn about how to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities that exist for indie musicians for promoting their songs and music directly to thousands of new fans, without having to form an oppressive so-called “partnership” with a typical record label.
While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
Welcome to How TO Give The Perfect Gift -
Is it that you are always confused when you have to take a decision to gift someone either for their birthday or anniversary?
Do you have a tough time in taking the right decision in finding the appropriate gift for them?
Do you have a tough time in taking the right decision in finding the appropriate gift for them?
How To Be A Real Musician
I'd like you to imagine yourself on stage right now with your instrument (even if it's your voice). What does that feel like to you?
How about looking out into the audience and seeing 150+ people watching you? Does it thrill you and excite you? Do you feel happy and excited to share your gift with others? Or do you feel some tinge of nervousness? The slightest thought that you might mess up or make a mistake. Or that they won't like it and will become obviously bored with you and your music. Or that they'll leave the show altogether. Or you'll get nervous and fumble to say the right thing (and say the wrong thing instead).
How about looking out into the audience and seeing 150+ people watching you? Does it thrill you and excite you? Do you feel happy and excited to share your gift with others? Or do you feel some tinge of nervousness? The slightest thought that you might mess up or make a mistake. Or that they won't like it and will become obviously bored with you and your music. Or that they'll leave the show altogether. Or you'll get nervous and fumble to say the right thing (and say the wrong thing instead).
Professional Photography: Success Without School
* Have you ever wondered how to cross-over from amateur photographer to professional? * Have you read any "how to" books but still have a day job?
Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.
Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.
Harmony Guitar America's Guitar
A look at America's most Iconic guitar it's Players-History & Worldwide Fascination-Buying & Selling for the Musician & Collector
Hi my name is Jim Galloway, I'm a published(Nashville) songwriter and professional musician. After finding a vintage Harmony Guitar at a yard sale, I remembered Harmony was my first guitar. I found that Harmony was the first guitar-student guitar of many of America's most influential musicians and the role they played in the Cultural & Industrial development of America. From the Delta Blues to Elvis & Dylan, Harmony guitars were there. Now are valued by todays artists & collectors of Americana for their cool retro looks & sound. I made a small business on EBay selling vintage Harmony guitars worldwide to people with the same fascination.
Hi my name is Jim Galloway, I'm a published(Nashville) songwriter and professional musician. After finding a vintage Harmony Guitar at a yard sale, I remembered Harmony was my first guitar. I found that Harmony was the first guitar-student guitar of many of America's most influential musicians and the role they played in the Cultural & Industrial development of America. From the Delta Blues to Elvis & Dylan, Harmony guitars were there. Now are valued by todays artists & collectors of Americana for their cool retro looks & sound. I made a small business on EBay selling vintage Harmony guitars worldwide to people with the same fascination.
Arts amp; Entertainment,
buying and selling on EBay,
Harmony Acoustic guitars,
Harmony Archtop guitars,
Harmony Guitar,
Harmony Instruments,
Harmony Red Rocket,
Harmony Vintage guitars,
Vintage acoustic guitars,
vintage electric guitars,
Vintage Guitars
Pro Speed Picking
“Are you ready to master such crucial techniques as sweep picking, alternate picking, circular picking, and legato picking?”
My name is R. S. Rasnic, and I’ve been playing and teaching guitar for over 20 years. I’ve taught literally hundreds of students in my time, studied rock, blues, jazz and classical guitar, and played in countless rock, blues, and house bands. I’ve spent incalculable hours studying the mechanics of guitar technique and have developed a solid system of improving guitar speed, technique, and timing. It’s called “Pro Speed Picking,” and hundreds of guitar players have used my system to improve their technique and speed.
My name is R. S. Rasnic, and I’ve been playing and teaching guitar for over 20 years. I’ve taught literally hundreds of students in my time, studied rock, blues, jazz and classical guitar, and played in countless rock, blues, and house bands. I’ve spent incalculable hours studying the mechanics of guitar technique and have developed a solid system of improving guitar speed, technique, and timing. It’s called “Pro Speed Picking,” and hundreds of guitar players have used my system to improve their technique and speed.
Guitar Strings & Bass Strings eBook
If you are reading this, then you most likely know your stuff when it comes to guitars and equipment. Nobody can pull the wool over your eyes when it comes to selecting a good guitar or amplifier. In fact, if you are like most good musicians, you own more than a couple of instruments. Now, let’s think about something more specific to your sound. If you could improve one of those guitars with just one set of strings, would that be of interest to you? If your answer is Yes, then you might be interested in this… Professor String has just published a book about one of the most misunderstood components of the guitar: Strings. All sounds made by your guitar or bass start with the vibration of a string. Yet most guitarists overlook the basic principles of how to select the best strings for their playing style. They often start with a particular brand of string and stick with it forever. Or, they are constantly switching brands and never focus on anything specific to their playing goals. The facts about guitar and bass strings are being exposed for you in Professor String's latest e-book called "Think You Know Guitar Strings?" It has been written as a guide that helps both beginners and advanced players. You most likely have a fun guitar and great chops, but do you know anything about ASI? If is your chance to learn about it. For the first time, someone has written a chapter about Advanced String Intonation (ASI). Very little has been written about ASI. No single book or guide has been published about this topic until now. Professor String has been consulted by many of the worlds top guitar and bass luthiers about ASI issues over the years. If you are reading this, and do not know about ASI, you are too good of a player to simply ignore it. In the present day era of advanced digital tuners, ASI has become more prevalent to your tuning. This is the only book you will find on the market that covers the issues of ASI.
DISCLAIMER: If you are serious about playing in tune, you must get this book and read the ASI chapter.
DISCLAIMER: If you are serious about playing in tune, you must get this book and read the ASI chapter.
How to Play the Harmonica - Awesome Harmonica Lessons by JP Allen
Want to learn how to play harmonica and sound good in less than 3 months – with no hard sweat and tears?
Do you want to get so good you'll be able to confidently play the songs you love for family and friends, jam with musicians, or even play on stage with a band?
Do you want to get so good you'll be able to confidently play the songs you love for family and friends, jam with musicians, or even play on stage with a band?
Dan and Joe's Survival Guide for Biginning Pianists
How does a student who knows NOTHING about piano playing learn from a manual? In order to answer this question, it's good to know which two types of manuals you should avoid:
Beginner piano books should make you feel like someone is talking to you in a friendly manner.
Beginner piano books should make you feel like someone is talking to you in a friendly manner.
We are a pumpkin-carving professional team and we can easily teach you to become a pumpkin-carving artist! Suprise your family or friends with your amazing halloween pumpkin – Jack O' Lantern.
It is fun and everybody enjoys a cool halloween pumpkins in a 3D pumpkin carving style. You have seen the regular pumpkins-carving design with the 2 triangles for eyes and the zig zag mouth. How about trying something new and different this year?
It is fun and everybody enjoys a cool halloween pumpkins in a 3D pumpkin carving style. You have seen the regular pumpkins-carving design with the 2 triangles for eyes and the zig zag mouth. How about trying something new and different this year?
Great Christmas Piano Hits!
These three magnificent E-books for the total beginner, intermediate and advanced players contain amazingly clear VIDEO TUTORIALS and beautiful arrangements of your favorite Christmas songs.
My name is David and together with Ido, my business partner and fellow musician, we've been providing piano lessons on-line since 2008. We've taught THOUSANDS of online students and strive to spread the love for Piano and make Piano playing easy and accessible to everyone.
My name is David and together with Ido, my business partner and fellow musician, we've been providing piano lessons on-line since 2008. We've taught THOUSANDS of online students and strive to spread the love for Piano and make Piano playing easy and accessible to everyone.
Click on a HEADING to go to the musicbooks or theorybooks site. After completing your purchase, you will be taken directly to the Downloads Page to download your PDF E-book and the Bonus sound files (with the Folksongs E-books) ...No more waiting for snail-mail.
You know how a lot of Violin beginner music is rather uninspiring, or it doesn't fit into your teaching curriculum – wrong keys, too hard, too easy, totally ungraded, doesn't flow readily from one teaching point to the next.....
You know how a lot of Violin beginner music is rather uninspiring, or it doesn't fit into your teaching curriculum – wrong keys, too hard, too easy, totally ungraded, doesn't flow readily from one teaching point to the next.....
Photoshop Warrior-Insider Secrets Training Course
Photoshop Warrior Is Not the Following Not pricey- This is not some pricey home study course that requires more payments to get the complete package. Not time consuming- Everything you need to master Photoshop fast is here ...
Take these $905 BONUSES with you ONLY If you ORDER PHOTOSHOP WARRIOR INSIDER SECRETS TRAINING COURSE TODAY!! Lastly, one person's delay can be another person's opportunity. I know it's not fair but this is reality. This ...
Take these $905 BONUSES with you ONLY If you ORDER PHOTOSHOP WARRIOR INSIDER SECRETS TRAINING COURSE TODAY!! Lastly, one person's delay can be another person's opportunity. I know it's not fair but this is reality. This ...
Master Your Guitar Scales Starting Today!
Have you ever wondered how the great guitar players like Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn and others seem to pull off amazing guitar solos without breaking a sweat?
How they absolutely dominate the fretboard, shredding up and down and every direction with careless abandon…?
How they absolutely dominate the fretboard, shredding up and down and every direction with careless abandon…?
20 Ways to Market Your Photography Business - Home Page
Finally revealed... how to transform yourself from "starving artist" to "successful photographer" in 3 life-changing steps. Even in a lousy economy like ours!
Marketing is the one essential ingredient that separates the $500-per-year photographer from the $50,000-per-year photographer? And this book will show you how to become part of the second group.
Marketing is the one essential ingredient that separates the $500-per-year photographer from the $50,000-per-year photographer? And this book will show you how to become part of the second group.
Guitar Legato Fast Start - Master Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs
I need to be completely upfront with you here. What you're about to read about is definitely not for everyone. (In fact, there's a lot of guitarists who won't need to learn about what's on this page)...
If you feel that you fall into one of the above categories, then I invite you to invest a few minutes reading this page carefully. It could help you a lot...
If you feel that you fall into one of the above categories, then I invite you to invest a few minutes reading this page carefully. It could help you a lot...
Digital Photography Mastery
If you want to really learn digital photography... if you have a digital camera but don't understand half of its features... if you are considering moving up from an old "film-style" camera to a digital camera, but aren't quite sure what kind of camera to get... this website was written just for you.
So when I got my Canon EOS digital camera for Christmas, my friends thought it was kind of funny.
So when I got my Canon EOS digital camera for Christmas, my friends thought it was kind of funny.
Guitar On the Spot - Frustrated With The Guitar? This secret might help
I did too until I discovered this one simple secret. Once you know it playing the guitar will be instantly fun and easy, even if you've never played guitar before.
The secret is knowing the key concept. Once you know it you'll realize that you just use a simple code to play the guitar.
The secret is knowing the key concept. Once you know it you'll realize that you just use a simple code to play the guitar.
How to Photograph Weddings, Groups, Portraits and Babies
There is no Point being a Brilliant Photographer if you Cannot Effectively Sell your Services..... Click Here for Information on the Best Wedding Photography Marketing Course I've Ever Seen. This Comes Very Highly Recommended.
Now, no matter your reason(s), you can finally rest easy, because I've designed my cutting-edge wedding, group and portraiture package with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results -- FAST -- even if other guides or courses have not been successful for you...
Now, no matter your reason(s), you can finally rest easy, because I've designed my cutting-edge wedding, group and portraiture package with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results -- FAST -- even if other guides or courses have not been successful for you...
Arts amp; Entertainment,
baby photography,
group photography tips,
how do I photograph a wedding,
how to photograph a wedding,
learn wedding photography,
photographing a wedding,
photography tips,
portrait photography,
wedding photography techniques
Learn Guitar Lessons Guide-Online Guitar Lessons-Free Video Guitar Lessons
Guitar Lessons Home Acoustic Guitar Lessons Guitar Intermediate Lessons Guitar Advanced Lessons Blues Guitar Lesssons Bass Guitar Lessons Lead Guitar & Scales Free Guitar Lessons Guitar Chords Lessons E-book
Hello guitar enthusiast! My name is Peter Stephen Pentelbury. My 30 odd years of playing guitar and giving guitar lessons has finally culminate into-Learn Guitar Lessons Guide by “” with over 200 guitar lessons. They include Free Online Guitar Video Lessons. Pentelbury’s educational guitar tuition offers beginner guitar lessons, acoustic guitar lessons, electric guitar lessons, blues lessons, finger picking exercises and more. Printable guitar chords lessons and music songs. Learn how to play your favorite music songs.
Hello guitar enthusiast! My name is Peter Stephen Pentelbury. My 30 odd years of playing guitar and giving guitar lessons has finally culminate into-Learn Guitar Lessons Guide by “” with over 200 guitar lessons. They include Free Online Guitar Video Lessons. Pentelbury’s educational guitar tuition offers beginner guitar lessons, acoustic guitar lessons, electric guitar lessons, blues lessons, finger picking exercises and more. Printable guitar chords lessons and music songs. Learn how to play your favorite music songs.
Papercraft cars - Build high quality paper models
Many scale model builders use paper to create models. Why, you might ask? The first answer to that would be the way its completed. You start with a plain sheet of paper and under your hands it becomes a part of a car. The amount of time you spend on it doesnt matter much, though. Here comes the second part of the answer. The result. Every time you look at the model you had built, youll acknowledge how nice it looks. Nice and precious for you because it contains all your expertise, endurance and time. It contains a little part of you. I wish you success and many hours well spent, Tibor Nagy
High quality printable patterns to cut out and build paper scale models from. Detailed assembly guidance for all cars. Youll find the correct place for all parts. All cars are tested and tried. You are guaranteed to be able to do it! Over 250 enjoyable working hours. (around 50 hours for each car) You can print and build the cars as many times as you want.
High quality printable patterns to cut out and build paper scale models from. Detailed assembly guidance for all cars. Youll find the correct place for all parts. All cars are tested and tried. You are guaranteed to be able to do it! Over 250 enjoyable working hours. (around 50 hours for each car) You can print and build the cars as many times as you want.
Fabric Painting l Paint on Fabric I Paint With Texture I
Providing quick & easy decorative fabric painting & handbag making resources for artisans. . .
It’s true, in just a few minutes of watching my videos you can learn the exact step-by-step system for painting amazing abstract and floral designs that has taken me years to perfect. My easy fabric painting techniques will help you to create marketable designs that can be applied to just about any surface. So say goodbye to bland products that do not sell and hello to amazing products that keep your customers coming back for more!
It’s true, in just a few minutes of watching my videos you can learn the exact step-by-step system for painting amazing abstract and floral designs that has taken me years to perfect. My easy fabric painting techniques will help you to create marketable designs that can be applied to just about any surface. So say goodbye to bland products that do not sell and hello to amazing products that keep your customers coming back for more!
Drum Lessons - Drumming Online
The video lessons will consist of in-depth explanations and demonstrations of the curriculum. Each lesson will have a .pdf file that can be downloaded and will contain a glossary of terms and a detailed description of the notation corresponding to the exercises demonstrated in that lesson. It will also contain additional developmental exercises that reinforce the concepts taught in that lesson.
This is a 24/7 professional practice/play-a-long tool. It consists of 4 to 5 minutes of continuous percussion and/or other instruments. It comes in 5 different tempos, ranging in 5 bpm increments. This tool will help you develop your internal clock and provide a musical practice setting to develop muscle memory. Most importantly, it properly prepares you for today’s modern playing situations where a click and loop are being used. (NOTE: The Intermediate Level Band-N-A-Pods will vary in time signatures throughout the course. PDF charts will also be included for odd time signatures.)
This is a 24/7 professional practice/play-a-long tool. It consists of 4 to 5 minutes of continuous percussion and/or other instruments. It comes in 5 different tempos, ranging in 5 bpm increments. This tool will help you develop your internal clock and provide a musical practice setting to develop muscle memory. Most importantly, it properly prepares you for today’s modern playing situations where a click and loop are being used. (NOTE: The Intermediate Level Band-N-A-Pods will vary in time signatures throughout the course. PDF charts will also be included for odd time signatures.)
No More Waiters- How To Build Your Acting Business Without a Day Job!
My boss was right- I was leaving without having done any paid shows, but here I was, leaving my safe, secure 9-to-5 job to be an actor.
I'll tell you; I was thinking that it was getting too late for me, and that maybe I should just keep the job, give up the dream, and forget about entertaining anybody except for the guys at the water cooler.
I'll tell you; I was thinking that it was getting too late for me, and that maybe I should just keep the job, give up the dream, and forget about entertaining anybody except for the guys at the water cooler.
How to Play Reggae Keyboard
From a beginner to advance, this video lesson course is designed to guide you step-by-step in acquiring the skills needed to play reggae music by ear
"Have you ever searched the net trying to find help on how to play reggae keyboard, only to find a video that does not completely fulfill what you were looking for?"
"Have you ever searched the net trying to find help on how to play reggae keyboard, only to find a video that does not completely fulfill what you were looking for?"
Get Your Music On TV - Get your music in commercials, TV segments and more!
You don’t need to be a big name musician with lots of contacts to get your music on TV OR compete with everyone else for the same gigs with sites like
There’s a niche industry that pulls music tracks for commercials and TV every day. Yet most musicians completely ignore this route. I personally placed music in hundreds of commercials and for TV and never used a site like Taxi to find talent. Musicians and music houses came directly to me.
There’s a niche industry that pulls music tracks for commercials and TV every day. Yet most musicians completely ignore this route. I personally placed music in hundreds of commercials and for TV and never used a site like Taxi to find talent. Musicians and music houses came directly to me.
No Budget FilmMaking Ultra-Pack - The Ultimate Film Training Kit
I was once an aspiring filmmaker just like you. My parents paid thousands of dollars to send me to film school. About halfway through, I came to a realization...
Everything I REALLY needed to know was covered in the first week of Film School...everything else was just a waste of time. All these Film Schools and Expensive Training Courses are just fluff, dependant upon the fact that you think Filmmaking is hard and costs Millions of dollars.
Everything I REALLY needed to know was covered in the first week of Film School...everything else was just a waste of time. All these Film Schools and Expensive Training Courses are just fluff, dependant upon the fact that you think Filmmaking is hard and costs Millions of dollars.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Melissa Hartzel 75 TOP TIPS
Are the rejections getting you down? Want to attend castings knowing you've given yourself the best possible chance to get the job?
'Get That Audition' is every actor, model and performers essential casting guide, containing over 75 really important and straight forward facts on how to be at your best in a casting environment and how to give yourself the maximum chance of getting that role, as well as some important tips to keep you safe.
'Get That Audition' is every actor, model and performers essential casting guide, containing over 75 really important and straight forward facts on how to be at your best in a casting environment and how to give yourself the maximum chance of getting that role, as well as some important tips to keep you safe.
Nativity Play Musical - Christmas Pageant Play - Christmas Carols Lyrics
"Off Season" Sale! We want to give you every opportunity to purchase the Comprehensive Christmas Nativity Play. So for the time being only pay this ridiculously low price: Pay $29 instead of $97!
f you'd like to experience a delightful Christmas musical play with all your favorite Christmas Carols, plus receive tons of help with production to make your play a delightful success, even if you've never done this before, then this might be the most welcome news you'll ever receive on the subject.
f you'd like to experience a delightful Christmas musical play with all your favorite Christmas Carols, plus receive tons of help with production to make your play a delightful success, even if you've never done this before, then this might be the most welcome news you'll ever receive on the subject.
The Ultimate Producer Pack Is One Of The Biggest Software and Hardware Production Tools On The Net. Over 30gb Of Sounds For One Low Price!!!
Sound Sets From Popular Keyboards Included!!! Why Spend Thousands On These Synths When You Can Just Buy The Ultimate Producer Pack!!!
Sound Sets From Popular Keyboards Included!!! Why Spend Thousands On These Synths When You Can Just Buy The Ultimate Producer Pack!!!
Get FREE Concert Tickets
“Oh Lord, this guy smells. The fatty on my left reeks of moldy furniture, and the dumb hipster on my right is digging his elbow into my ribcage.
Fast forward to last weekend. I park 10 minutes before the opening set and leisurely stroll up to the will-call booth.
Fast forward to last weekend. I park 10 minutes before the opening set and leisurely stroll up to the will-call booth.
Read Music Notes, How to Read Music Notes for Beginners, Children
Children get confused, bored, and want to drop out of their piano lessons. As parents and teachers we want to help -- but what can we do?
I have been a piano teacher for over 30 years. I have seen this problem so many times. I have surveyed all the piano teaching books, courses and ebooks on the market, and frankly, not one of them really helped children learn to read music notes in a quick, systematic way that was also fun.
I have been a piano teacher for over 30 years. I have seen this problem so many times. I have surveyed all the piano teaching books, courses and ebooks on the market, and frankly, not one of them really helped children learn to read music notes in a quick, systematic way that was also fun.
Artists, learn how to sell your art for maximum profits.
Take a Moment to Read This Letter... Let Me Prove How Easy It Can Be For You to Start Selling Your Art or Craftwork Right Now!
Today, I consider my art to be above average, some even consider it to be pretty good, but I know there are lots of glass artists better than I am. Unfortunately, many of them struggle to make a living with their art no matter how beautiful it is. I happen to make good money selling my work...not because I’m the greatest glass artist that ever lived nor because I enjoy "selling"... It's because I learned the secrets on how to make my art Desirable and Profitable... and YOU CAN TOO!
Today, I consider my art to be above average, some even consider it to be pretty good, but I know there are lots of glass artists better than I am. Unfortunately, many of them struggle to make a living with their art no matter how beautiful it is. I happen to make good money selling my work...not because I’m the greatest glass artist that ever lived nor because I enjoy "selling"... It's because I learned the secrets on how to make my art Desirable and Profitable... and YOU CAN TOO!
Vivian Clement's 31 Success Secrets for Female Musicians
Learn these proven strategies to help you feel empowered and self-confident in the testosterone-driven music industry.
Discover the 31 Success Secrets that will deeply empower you to fulfill your musical dreams.
Discover the 31 Success Secrets that will deeply empower you to fulfill your musical dreams.
Play Popular Music, How to Play Popular Music
Popular music has always excited people who want to express themselves, to have fun with their friends, to entertain at parties, or to impress other people. They dream of playing the latest and greatest hits, the "golden oldies" and classic hits of pop and rock, country and western, jazz, gospel... or perhaps the great hymns, traditional folk songs, children's songs, you name it!
But for most people, music is a pastime, not a profession. With the hectic pace of life today, there just isn't time for hours of music practice.
But for most people, music is a pastime, not a profession. With the hectic pace of life today, there just isn't time for hours of music practice.
Learn The Secrets To Good Flash & Studio Lighting - 3 Week Workshop
From: Scott Voelker Dear Friend, If you're FRUSTRATED trying to figure out how to get good lighting and create professional portraits...don't worry, because you're not ALONE! I was there myself around 12 years ago, who had no idea how to take good pictures. But…my wife and I, who is also a photographer…had a passion and a desire to learn.
But, you get the point :-) I was frustrated and confused and just kept buying stuff I didn’t need hoping it would be the magic bullet. I later found out, that I could have received Great results with Basic equipment, if I would of had a good teacher. I would go to my local camera store and ask questions and feel like they were annoyed. Then I would ask less questions and try to figure it out on my own...and get FRUSTRATED! Over the years I figured out the hard way how to get professional pictures and eventually we opened a full time portrait studio that supported my family. (I still remember the day I told my Boss...I Quit!)
But, you get the point :-) I was frustrated and confused and just kept buying stuff I didn’t need hoping it would be the magic bullet. I later found out, that I could have received Great results with Basic equipment, if I would of had a good teacher. I would go to my local camera store and ask questions and feel like they were annoyed. Then I would ask less questions and try to figure it out on my own...and get FRUSTRATED! Over the years I figured out the hard way how to get professional pictures and eventually we opened a full time portrait studio that supported my family. (I still remember the day I told my Boss...I Quit!)
Our handbook is now available on!
Dan Speaker and Jan Bryant (The Prisoner, Tengu, Almighty Thor, Master and Commander, Hook, Army of Darkness, and more) are among the top experts in fight design, action choreography, and weapons combat for the motion picture industry. With years of experience bringing some of Hollywood’s best fight scenes to life, they can provide action tailored to the needs of any project, complete with choreography fitting the story and characters, on-set coordination of the action, and specialized training for actorsin any fighting style, historical or modern, necessary for the production.The Academy Swordmasters are available for film, TV, Internet, video games, or stage combat projects. While specialists in sword fighting, they will create choreography for all types of weaponry. Please call to discuss your specific needs. In addition to providing project-specific training and coordinating action, the Academy Swordmasters also offer an ongoing professional training class for stunt performers and actors. If you are interested learning more about stage combat by joining the professional training program, you should take the Academy’s Introductory Fight Class, offered monthly (check the What’s New page for the next one).
Let’s face it, you love music! - Music Mastery Class
Ever wonder what it would be like to sing in front of a huge audience? How about writing a song that gets played on the biggest radio station in town? What about getting your band that elusive record deal?
The truth is, none of these things are as hard as the rest of the world makes them seem. It’s not a walk in the park either, but with enough hard work and the right amount of knowledge, you can, believe it or not, make these dreams a reality.
The truth is, none of these things are as hard as the rest of the world makes them seem. It’s not a walk in the park either, but with enough hard work and the right amount of knowledge, you can, believe it or not, make these dreams a reality.
Explore HandWriting
“Are You Ready To Gain The Concise Scope Of Vision, Into The Mind Of Just About Anyone, By Discovering The Power Of Handwriting Analysis?” “World’s Foremost Hypnosis Expert Unveils The Covert Methods That Make Up What May Be The Most Effective Program Ever Created On Gaining Crystal Clear Insight To One’s Personality By Simply Looking At How They Write!” “The Time Has Come To Gain The Advantage Of Knowing The Exact Details Of One’s Mental Makeup Using A System So Easy To Apply A Five Year Old Could Master It!”
Have you ever wanted to delve into someone else's mind and determine what makes up their personality?
Have you ever wanted to delve into someone else's mind and determine what makes up their personality?
Tattoo Designs - Huge selection of Tattoos
I am sure you will agree that trying to decide which tattoo to get is extremely difficult! The sad truth is that most tattoos are selected in a hurry while flipping through binders in a local shop. That is NOT the way that such an important, permanent and life-long decision should be made. It often results in people regretting they ever got inked! The secret to finding the perfect design is to browse through a lot of ideas before you settle on one. That is where the problem comes in... On my most recent tat, I spent countless hours searching for tattoos on website after website...most of the time frustrated because I found nothing of interest. In a perfect world, all decisions would be made based on careful consideration in peace and quiet with an endless supply of tattoo designs to choose from... ...that is where can help make that dream a reality.
Now you do not have to go through stacks and stacks of binders at your local shop to find the design that you always wanted.
Now you do not have to go through stacks and stacks of binders at your local shop to find the design that you always wanted.
How to Sell Your Album and Make Money Selling Your CD --
Do you stand on the corner trying to sell your music? Do you enter talent shows and do free concerts in the hopes of being discovered? Maybe you know someone like this or maybe you are someone like this. Maybe having some success selling your music, but not as much as you would like to. I know what you're going through, that's why I've put together a system that will allow you to make more money than a doctor or a lawyer even without being "discovered" by a major label right away. I'll show you how to make money from the beginning so getting signed will just be the icing on the cake. Read ahead and you can find out how to make your dreams of financial success come true in the music industry.
What makes the person who can sell a hundred thousand albums independently different from the person who can only sell a hundred?
What makes the person who can sell a hundred thousand albums independently different from the person who can only sell a hundred?
Talk Radio on the Computer
The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires a more recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Flash Player by downloading here.
Listen to Talk Radio on a regular basis and spend hours every week in front of a computer, then the Ultimate Internet Talk Radio Directory can help you take advantage of the many streaming talk radio programs available today.
Listen to Talk Radio on a regular basis and spend hours every week in front of a computer, then the Ultimate Internet Talk Radio Directory can help you take advantage of the many streaming talk radio programs available today.
The Power of Music as a Coping Skill
Matthew J. Bush, MSW, LSW has been very successful with his exciting and creative approach to therapy with children and adolescents. He takes popular music, something many children readily listen to and identify with, and helps them to use it as a coping skill and outlet for self-expression. Now his work is available for others to use and enjoy! In addition to looking for therapeutic messages in songs, Matt has created a therapeutic rock band, Freudian Slip, which focuses on music with therapeutic topics, in a form that children and adolescents can relate.
Matt has picked 14 of his favorite and most emotionally-charged songs that were written and inspired by his own personal experiences as well as those around him. These songs cover popular therapeutic topics including abuse, addiction, self-esteem, depression, and more.
Matt has picked 14 of his favorite and most emotionally-charged songs that were written and inspired by his own personal experiences as well as those around him. These songs cover popular therapeutic topics including abuse, addiction, self-esteem, depression, and more.
The Official Website for Storybook Advent Calendar and Carols Collections
At Storybook Advent, we're passionate about education, history, God and the fundamental human rights illustrated within Kingdom principles of the New Testament. Its creators, Laura Lewis and Michael Brech, are intellectuals as well as artists and Christians. Yes! Faith and intelligence are compatible! Both grew up with a love of learning, God and culture. Storybook Advent, the music and all aspects celebrate Christ's ministry in addition to classic literature, classic music, history, human rights and current events affecting Christians around the world. If you've been craving a refreshing alternative to the negativity of recent years within the church, Storybook Advent is a breath of fresh air. Products include Books, Music, Ringtones, Wallpaper, QDreams and Charity fund-raising opportunities.
This delightful collection includes the Storybook Advent Calendar with 24 Christmas stories, the Caroling Songbook with 43 versions of 37 popular carols and three CDs featuring 20 American and 20 Classic British and European Christmas Carols.
This delightful collection includes the Storybook Advent Calendar with 24 Christmas stories, the Caroling Songbook with 43 versions of 37 popular carols and three CDs featuring 20 American and 20 Classic British and European Christmas Carols.
Understanding Misdirection - Understanding Misdirection
Understanding misdirection is a short ebook designed to give magicians the basic understanding of key principles involved in using misdirection within their magic.
Misdirection is more than just getting your audience to look somewhere else. It involves establishing, controlling and directing their attention where you want it, when you want to.
Misdirection is more than just getting your audience to look somewhere else. It involves establishing, controlling and directing their attention where you want it, when you want to.
Easy Snap Shot Cash - Make Money Taking Pictures
From the desk of: Mike Mansfield Tuesday: 9AM EST
You don’t need to be a skilled photographer. How would you like to take some simple snapshots and put up to $1,000 in your pocket?
You don’t need to be a skilled photographer. How would you like to take some simple snapshots and put up to $1,000 in your pocket?
Dress for Success: Mens Fashion Coordination for Suits, Shirts, & Ties
You might be attempting to put your different apparel together but you are never happy how they are matched? Then you will be glad to know what you are going to read below.
I have just spent months putting the art of coordinating into this ebook with simple to follow steps and concepts. It will help you get everything into perspective and start matching easily the very NEXT DAY…
I have just spent months putting the art of coordinating into this ebook with simple to follow steps and concepts. It will help you get everything into perspective and start matching easily the very NEXT DAY…
Anchored Assurance - Eruvwu Obuaya's Empower Network Blog
It is a novel about trusting God and hoping in him as you pass through trials and tribulations, a reminder that God is a very present help in times of need…. The story follows the three main protagonists as they move in together, go through their individual and collective issues together whilst and get to know each other better developing a strong bond.
The blurb itself serves to draw you in as you read:Things were dead calm until the storm came. Who do you have surrounding you in troubled times? Is your faith strong enough to withstand when testing times come? They were friends from different socio-cultural backgrounds and shared a home. Biola was the lawyer, Chinyere the secretary, and Ejiro the national lawn tennis champion. If they were sisters they couldn’t have been closer, but things were soon to change, a series of events that would change everything was about to unfold. First, the letter came, and then the disappearance and finally the tragedy. How would they make it through the testing times, and how deep was their trust in God?…”
The blurb itself serves to draw you in as you read:Things were dead calm until the storm came. Who do you have surrounding you in troubled times? Is your faith strong enough to withstand when testing times come? They were friends from different socio-cultural backgrounds and shared a home. Biola was the lawyer, Chinyere the secretary, and Ejiro the national lawn tennis champion. If they were sisters they couldn’t have been closer, but things were soon to change, a series of events that would change everything was about to unfold. First, the letter came, and then the disappearance and finally the tragedy. How would they make it through the testing times, and how deep was their trust in God?…”
Unlike other products and books I have bought and read before, my system actually provides easy to understand instructions, and a step by step plan, to create and operate a successful and profitable photography business, starting out by working from your own home.
Plenty of others will tell you about taking great photographs, but not how to make real money from them.
Plenty of others will tell you about taking great photographs, but not how to make real money from them.
Starting A Photo Business Ideas Resource
If you're wanting to learn how to start a photo business... Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
'Finally! Ideas for starting a photo business that anyone can use!' It doesn't matter if you haven't got a bit of business experience, you can use your photography skills to start a part-time or full-time business in a hurry... all without breaking the bank!
'Finally! Ideas for starting a photo business that anyone can use!' It doesn't matter if you haven't got a bit of business experience, you can use your photography skills to start a part-time or full-time business in a hurry... all without breaking the bank!
The Emperor of the United States and the First Christmas Tree
An illustrated short story based on the life and times of Joshua Norton who in 1859 declared himself Emperor of the United States… and got away with it for 21 years! It's a great story for Christmas or anytime of the year.
It’s a story for the entire family told by Emperor Norton’s most loyal followers, two rat-catching dogs named Bummer and Lazarus.
It’s a story for the entire family told by Emperor Norton’s most loyal followers, two rat-catching dogs named Bummer and Lazarus.
Promoting & Selling Your Art by Carole Katchen
Would you like to have an agent, who sells your art and promotes your career? Or would you prefer to have a contract with a gallery, which provides you a guaranteed monthly income? Carole Katchen has written two articles on that in her eBook. Subscribe here and we will send them to you for free:
Despite the fact that the paintings of Vincent van Gogh are being sold for tens of millions of dollars today, he died poor and desperate because his art didn't sell during his lifetime.
Despite the fact that the paintings of Vincent van Gogh are being sold for tens of millions of dollars today, he died poor and desperate because his art didn't sell during his lifetime.
Easy As That Piano
"Easy As That Piano" is a breakthrough method found no where in this world today, where you learn how to play & completely understand the piano in JUST 1-3 DAYS!
Let’s face it…most people would LOVE to learn to play the piano! You’ve seen the movie scenes, where the dashing hero enters the swanky party, sits down at a piano and ROCKS THE HOUSE! The ladies want him and the men want to be him. It’s like he has some kind of magic…a superpower to entertain and thrill people, to turn a dull gathering into a lively, memorable night of sing-a-longs, dancing and laughter! That HERO could be YOU!
Let’s face it…most people would LOVE to learn to play the piano! You’ve seen the movie scenes, where the dashing hero enters the swanky party, sits down at a piano and ROCKS THE HOUSE! The ladies want him and the men want to be him. It’s like he has some kind of magic…a superpower to entertain and thrill people, to turn a dull gathering into a lively, memorable night of sing-a-longs, dancing and laughter! That HERO could be YOU!
Start A Photo Business - Photography secrets for the Wedding, Portrait Photography Business
What would life be like for you if YOU could do anything you would like? What if you had more time to spend with your family, and be available when they needed you most? What if you could make enough money to support you and your family, and have the extras in life you've been dreaming of (like that new car, and the two week vacation)? What if you could work on a schedule that is convenient for you? What if this dream could become your reality in just a few short months?
The truth is over 75 percent of people contemplate starting their own business at some point in their life. And of those 75 percent, one in three will actually take the steps necessary to start their own business.
The truth is over 75 percent of people contemplate starting their own business at some point in their life. And of those 75 percent, one in three will actually take the steps necessary to start their own business.
Order indie film
In most film schools and film production colleges the art of filmmaking is taught with the idea in mind that you will have a big studio budget to back your film.
Unfortunately, most people graduate and find that the big studios have no interest in their films and so they are forced to learn things about how to make a movie that they were never taught in film schools. They find that most independent films are created with a shoestring budget, and they are not connected to any major film studios.
Unfortunately, most people graduate and find that the big studios have no interest in their films and so they are forced to learn things about how to make a movie that they were never taught in film schools. They find that most independent films are created with a shoestring budget, and they are not connected to any major film studios. :: Sosnowski Synthesizer
- Four multi-function oscillators - (sine, triangle, square, sawtooth, - and noise waveforms on each)
With a simple, clear, easy-to-use and well-organized layout and sensible architecture, the Sosnowski Synthesizer is ideal for newcomers to the art; yet, with its rich feature set and thorough controllability, even seasoned professionals will find it an attractive and inexpensive addition to their resources.
With a simple, clear, easy-to-use and well-organized layout and sensible architecture, the Sosnowski Synthesizer is ideal for newcomers to the art; yet, with its rich feature set and thorough controllability, even seasoned professionals will find it an attractive and inexpensive addition to their resources.
Arts amp; Entertainment,
Drum Building Secrets!
"Drum Building Secrets" is a step-by-step guide that shows you the inside secrets, tips, and techniques you need to know to succeed at building a professional level custom drum set.
In "Drum Building Secrets" you'll discover how to build a professional level drum set from scratch from your home or in your workshop, and you'll gain the knowledge you need to speak intelligently about how drums are built.
In "Drum Building Secrets" you'll discover how to build a professional level drum set from scratch from your home or in your workshop, and you'll gain the knowledge you need to speak intelligently about how drums are built.
Magic Secrets Network
WARNING TO POTENTIAL SUBSCRIBERS Through this gate, secrets are revealed. If this is your introduction to magic, consider the following quotation before joining.
"It's in the very trickery that it pleases me. But show me how the trick is done, and I have lost my interest therein." - Seneca the Younger, In his 45th Epistle to Lucilius (4 B.C.-A.D. 65)
"It's in the very trickery that it pleases me. But show me how the trick is done, and I have lost my interest therein." - Seneca the Younger, In his 45th Epistle to Lucilius (4 B.C.-A.D. 65)
Electric Guitar Tone and How to Get a HOT One!!
If You've Ever Wanted to Know How to Get a Killer Electric Guitar Sound, Well You've Landed in the Right Place!
I mean have you ever listened to guitar players on Youtube? I'm sure you have. Being a guitarist I love to go through many a guitar video up on the ol' Tube, I've seen many. But you know what is very common amongst many of the videos? Especially amongst players of recent generations?
I mean have you ever listened to guitar players on Youtube? I'm sure you have. Being a guitarist I love to go through many a guitar video up on the ol' Tube, I've seen many. But you know what is very common amongst many of the videos? Especially amongst players of recent generations?
Learn to Salsa Lessons Brisbane
Now that you’ve started your journey into Latin Dance, you are probably finding yourself becoming addicted to the intoxicating rhythms of Latin dance styles. If you are looking at gaining confidence, improving your skills on the dance floor, or if you would just like to get some fresh moves under your belt, Smooth Dance Moves online dance learning centre can help you to review and practice the elements you are learning
Just getting started? No problem! Go to Video Lessons, select the style of dancing you'd like to learn Salsa 0n1, Salsa on2, Salsa Shines, Bachata, Zouk, Cha Cha Cha, Argentine Tango or Gafieira Samba and then do each lesson in the order presented. We'll see you on the dance floor soon!
Just getting started? No problem! Go to Video Lessons, select the style of dancing you'd like to learn Salsa 0n1, Salsa on2, Salsa Shines, Bachata, Zouk, Cha Cha Cha, Argentine Tango or Gafieira Samba and then do each lesson in the order presented. We'll see you on the dance floor soon!
Cape Cod ChagrinFalls Chautauqua Florals/Still Lifes France Greece/ Turkey Hawaii Hilton Head Kiawah Lakeside Monet's Garden Montages Naples, FL Niagara on the Lake Notecards
Provence Rural Landscapes Sanibel San Miguel MX Sea,Boats,Sunsets
Provence Rural Landscapes Sanibel San Miguel MX Sea,Boats,Sunsets
Simple Sight Reading - Learn How To Read Music!
What if I could show you a better way of reading music, offer it to you for a full 60 days with no risk and do it all for less than the cost of an average private lesson?
Hello and welcome! You've most likely come to this page for 1 of 2 reasons. Either 1, you are a complete beginner researching the best way to learn how to read music. Or 2, you are frustrated with the results from trying to learn to read music the traditional way. Well I've got some good news for you both... THE OLD TRADITIONAL WAY ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST WAY!
Hello and welcome! You've most likely come to this page for 1 of 2 reasons. Either 1, you are a complete beginner researching the best way to learn how to read music. Or 2, you are frustrated with the results from trying to learn to read music the traditional way. Well I've got some good news for you both... THE OLD TRADITIONAL WAY ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST WAY!
Draw Cartoon Characters
"Who Else Wants To Learn How To Draw Cartoons And Make A Great Second Income??"
If you are interested in learning how to draw cartoons and make a great second income ... then this is going to be the most exciting message you ever read.
If you are interested in learning how to draw cartoons and make a great second income ... then this is going to be the most exciting message you ever read.
Violin Lessons - How to Play The Violin
Most people want to learn the violin because they want to play their favorite songs on the violin. With this in mind, we have created hundreds of step-by-step video guides of the most famous and most requested violin songs!
So from the top hits of today and yesterday you can watch and learn how to play your favorite songs!
So from the top hits of today and yesterday you can watch and learn how to play your favorite songs!
Shred Academy - Exclusive Lessons for Lead Guitarists
If you're reading this, chances are - You want to be an awesome guitarist. - You want to have the kind of talent that impresses YOU when you see it in other people. - You probably want to get these skills FAST, but - find the wealth of information out there a bit overwhelming.
HERE. 1 wise investment - it will be the first and last you ever need to make on guitar tuition. EVER!
HERE. 1 wise investment - it will be the first and last you ever need to make on guitar tuition. EVER! - Home
This website is dedicated to all those who are passionate about drama teaching. Unfortunately passion doesn’t always get you through in a teaching subject that has a high attrition rate. Many drama teachers ‘become the drama’ and either give up early or burn out later; chose less demanding subjects to teach; or leave teaching all together. As a young drama teacher I discovered how humiliating, how devastating, how depressing it is to discover that your great ideas, your energy and your enthusiasm are not enough to get you through. After only six months I simply left school at lunchtime one day and never returned. I dedicated a chapter in my book, Organised Chaos: A Very Practical Guide to Drama Teaching to my early failure as a drama teacher. The good news is that after giving up on my chosen career, bruised, battered and bewildered, I later returned to become an extremely successful drama teacher. I’m not just 'blowing my own trumpet' here. Check out what other teaching professionals have to say in the Personal Endorsements on this website. Drama Teaching Resources This is a website dedicated to helping new, struggling or flagging drama teachers find answers to problems, new direction and renewed enthusiasm. The aim is to make everything very practical. You won’t find highly intellectual articles debating the pros and cons of different approaches to drama. You will find information, resources and advice to help you develop a great drama program and organise your classes on a daily basis. This will be material that helps you to not only survive as a drama teacher but achieve the success you richly deserve. Harry Tawse (The successful failed drama teacher)
Friday, January 11, 2013
Blogger Exclusive - Curvy.Confident.Chic.
Keeping It Curvy.Confident.Chic is overflowing with handy tips on plus size fashion. In this helpful e-book, budding fashionistas will learn how to break fashion’s so-called rules, develop a signature personal style, find out where to shop andhow to pick high-quality items, learn everything you need to know about denim, and so much more!
Marie Denee, respected blogger and creative director behind the popular plus size fashion blog, The Curvy Fashionista, she has written a fabulous new e-book titled Keeping It Curvy.Confident.Chic. The book introduces you to the ins-and-outs of plus size fashion and covers everything curvy women need to know about building the perfect wardrobe.
Marie Denee, respected blogger and creative director behind the popular plus size fashion blog, The Curvy Fashionista, she has written a fabulous new e-book titled Keeping It Curvy.Confident.Chic. The book introduces you to the ins-and-outs of plus size fashion and covers everything curvy women need to know about building the perfect wardrobe.
Jose Charles – Seychelles Sega Music At Its Best!
Jose Charles took an interest in music at a very young age and by ten was playing his first instrument. Born in the late 50’s, he began songwriting at fifteen and in the late 70’s formed the group Mood. After two years with them he went solo and released a cassette. Most of his songs received daily airplay on the SBC radio. He left Seychelles in the mid 80’s to live in UK where he teamed up with fellow Seychellois and formed the group Kazoo and released their first album. They performed in several pubs in London and their songs were played mostly on Spectrum radio.
Jose returned to Seychelles in 1992. During the 90’s he performed seven nights weekly in most of the hotels. With nine albums on the market and getting daily airplay on radio and frequently on television Jose is no wonder, one among the best singer/songwriter in Seychelles.
Jose returned to Seychelles in 1992. During the 90’s he performed seven nights weekly in most of the hotels. With nine albums on the market and getting daily airplay on radio and frequently on television Jose is no wonder, one among the best singer/songwriter in Seychelles.
Sing It Right the First Time - eBook
If you are interested in learning how to quickly sight-read vocal music, then this is going to be the most important information you'll ever read...
Recently, a new breakthrough in Sight Singing was discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called Sing It Right the First Time.
Recently, a new breakthrough in Sight Singing was discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called Sing It Right the First Time.
Unleashing the Creative Child Within You
Wouldn’t it feel wonderful to experience that sense of creative freedom again? And to feel it on a regular basis? Creativity is available to anyone, no matter who they are or what they do. Because that spark of creativity you knew as a child continues to smolder within you, awaiting your summons. In other words, that creative child within you still wants to come out and play...
Once you begin this journey, there is no looking back. Because when you live creatively, the only place you’ll want to look is to the future, where the next creative reward awaits.
Once you begin this journey, there is no looking back. Because when you live creatively, the only place you’ll want to look is to the future, where the next creative reward awaits.
Learn How to Play Piano With Rosa Today!
Rosa’s Learn How to Play Piano – Piano Video Lessons save you time and money. The Internet has countless websites offering piano lessons: Learn How to Play Piano quickly. There are literally thousands of piano video lessons that teach you how to use the chord-method to play piano quickly. Why should you choose mine? You literally have to sift through many sites to decide which piano lessons to buy.
Your money and time are precious. Rosa’s How To Play Piano – Piano Video Lessons can truly make a difference for you. The difference lies in my teaching approach. All my piano video lessons are personally designed from my 27 years of performing experiences as a church pianist. I write and teach from my heart.
Your money and time are precious. Rosa’s How To Play Piano – Piano Video Lessons can truly make a difference for you. The difference lies in my teaching approach. All my piano video lessons are personally designed from my 27 years of performing experiences as a church pianist. I write and teach from my heart.
ORDER - Jazz Booking Guide
Every day jazz musicians around the world call my office asking if I can represent them and book their tours. They contact me because over fifteen years I’ve worked with award winning international jazz artists including Stephane Grappelli, Martin Taylor, Jamie Cullum, Claire Martin, Bireli Lagrene, Bill Wyman, Didier Lockwood, Andreas Oberg & Sacha Distel. I’ve booked artists into venues ranging from London’s Royal Albert Hall to New York’s Carnegie Hall as well as some of the leading international jazz festivals and clubs. So read on if you want to know how to take your jazz career to the next level….
You know that getting ahead as a jazz musicians is just as much about who you know as how you play. Over the years I’ve built up a contact list of over 9,000 jazz festival directors, jazz club managers, concert presenters and jazz booking agents. It takes most people a lifetime to build that number of contacts with all the researching involved. But that’s not all…
You know that getting ahead as a jazz musicians is just as much about who you know as how you play. Over the years I’ve built up a contact list of over 9,000 jazz festival directors, jazz club managers, concert presenters and jazz booking agents. It takes most people a lifetime to build that number of contacts with all the researching involved. But that’s not all…
How To Write & Perform Stand-Up Comedy: How To Stand-Up Comedy Classes Online
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As a comedian, I've experienced firsthand how difficult it is to plunge head first into the world of stand-up comedy. After reading every book on the market and going to comedy classes and seminars, I was still left with no clear answers. The answers every book gave me were easily disproved just by watching great comedians in action. Why did every stand-up comedy resource tell me the same thing when I could clearly see that great comedians, the ones I wanted to be like, didn’t practice what they were preaching?
As a comedian, I've experienced firsthand how difficult it is to plunge head first into the world of stand-up comedy. After reading every book on the market and going to comedy classes and seminars, I was still left with no clear answers. The answers every book gave me were easily disproved just by watching great comedians in action. Why did every stand-up comedy resource tell me the same thing when I could clearly see that great comedians, the ones I wanted to be like, didn’t practice what they were preaching?
In Your Face Music™ Custom iPhone Application Service
Once you have entered all your data and information, it usually only take us 2 weeks to get the iPhone application into the App Store iTunes!
You can get started today for ONLY $119.90 which includes your first month of service and setup. Then for as long you want the service it is ONLY $19.95 a month!
You can get started today for ONLY $119.90 which includes your first month of service and setup. Then for as long you want the service it is ONLY $19.95 a month!
RPM 4 Guitar:Solo Book » RPM for Guitar Solo
In fact, you can learn how to play guitar solos FASTER and CHEAPER than you ever could taking guitar lessons.
Hello, my name is Michael Lee (that’s me over there) and I have been playing guitar all over the country for more than 25 years.
Hello, my name is Michael Lee (that’s me over there) and I have been playing guitar all over the country for more than 25 years.
Learn To Play Guitar - Guitar Lessons For Beginners - Online Guitar Lessons
What's included? ** Complete beginners Guitar Course with 30 x HD Videos. ** A Years worth of membership guitar tuition videos. ** All the PDF Downlaods. ** Guitar Chords. ** Guitar Tab. ** Guitar Backing Tracks. ** And Absolutely Anything Else Crash Course Muso Has Produced. *** This is probably your best opportunity to learn to play the guitar online - ever *** *** More guitar tuition than you can throw a stick at ***
Learn To Play Classic Guitar Songs With these classic guitar songs in your repertoire, you'll be the attraction of any party. By the end of the course you will be playing Smells Like Teen Spirit, Smoke On The Water, Hey Joe 12 Bar Blues, Pretty Woman, Wonderwall, The James Bond Theme, 12 Bar Rock 'n' Roll, Enter Sandman, I love Rock 'n' Roll, Shakin All Over, Layla and many more.
Learn To Play Classic Guitar Songs With these classic guitar songs in your repertoire, you'll be the attraction of any party. By the end of the course you will be playing Smells Like Teen Spirit, Smoke On The Water, Hey Joe 12 Bar Blues, Pretty Woman, Wonderwall, The James Bond Theme, 12 Bar Rock 'n' Roll, Enter Sandman, I love Rock 'n' Roll, Shakin All Over, Layla and many more.
I Wish I Could Sing! How To Train Your Voice To Become A Professional Singer
“Amazingly Powerful Singing Lessons Train Your Voice For Professional Singing – On Stage, In The Studio and In A Live Band!”
The Only Training Program That Teaches You How To Strengthen Your Singing Voice… And Helps You Find Your Own, Unique Style Of Singing That Will Grab The RIGHT PEOPLE’S Attention and Help You Build A Life-Long Career Of Singing
The Only Training Program That Teaches You How To Strengthen Your Singing Voice… And Helps You Find Your Own, Unique Style Of Singing That Will Grab The RIGHT PEOPLE’S Attention and Help You Build A Life-Long Career Of Singing
Relaxing Music Pro- World's First Day & Night Soothing Mp3 Album, Meditation Music
Relaxing Music Pro is created by one of the best American artists Rick Moyer, who has years of experience in composing music of all varieties. The sounds he created were so relaxing and not only takes you into deep thought, but also inspiring and motivating.
Get Whole Album (14 Tracks, 280+ Minutes Playing Time) For Only $17 Today (Note: Album in mp3 format for instant download. No shipping required.)
Get Whole Album (14 Tracks, 280+ Minutes Playing Time) For Only $17 Today (Note: Album in mp3 format for instant download. No shipping required.)
Classical guitar sheet music - downloadable scores
This is the homepage of Richard Miles Jackman Classical Guitarist, Composer & On-line Music Publisher Mailing address: Schönleinstrasse 7, 97080 Würzburg, Germany, Tel: (49) 931 14572
Forty Easy Christmas Carol Arrangements for Classical Guitar
Forty Easy Christmas Carol Arrangements for Classical Guitar
How To Use GoPro Cameras: The Surf Edition
How To Use GoPro Cameras: The Surf Edition is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with GoPro in any way, so what you get in this book are real-life ocean-tested user tips and tricks.
My name is Jordan Hetrick, a professional water photographer for 15+ years and a lifelong surfer. When I bought my first GoPro® camera, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to discover how this new technology related to everything I’d ever learned in photography.
My name is Jordan Hetrick, a professional water photographer for 15+ years and a lifelong surfer. When I bought my first GoPro® camera, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to discover how this new technology related to everything I’d ever learned in photography.
Arts amp; Entertainment,
helmet cam,
time lapse,
Promotion for Music - How to Market Your Songs and Music in the New Music Industry
We cover unique new music marketing techniques and learn about how to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities that exist for indie musicians for promoting their songs and music directly to thousands of new fans, without having to form an oppressive so-called “partnership” with a typical record label.
While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.
Caricature Secrets™: How To Draw Caricatures Course
I was in the same place you are not too long ago. I enjoyed drawing a lot, but what I really wanted was to feel the satisfaction of being a good artist. I wanted to feel proud to have my friends and family marvel at my drawings.
I dreamed of one day being good enough that people would pay me to do what I love. I wanted to be able to talk with and meet other successful artists around the world. And lastly, the rebel in me wanted to show everyone that ever said anything negative about my art that you can make a wildly successful career as an artist.
I dreamed of one day being good enough that people would pay me to do what I love. I wanted to be able to talk with and meet other successful artists around the world. And lastly, the rebel in me wanted to show everyone that ever said anything negative about my art that you can make a wildly successful career as an artist.
Welcome to How TO Give The Perfect Gift -
Is it that you are always confused when you have to take a decision to gift someone either for their birthday or anniversary?
Do you have a tough time in taking the right decision in finding the appropriate gift for them?
Do you have a tough time in taking the right decision in finding the appropriate gift for them?
Professional Photography: Success Without School
* Have you ever wondered how to cross-over from amateur photographer to professional? * Have you read any "how to" books but still have a day job?
Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.
Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.
Camera Income
WARNING: If you are looking for a big residual based income you DO NOT want to pass up the Online paid photos industry. Take part in a BILLION dollar business and make up to $3946 a week uploading simple photos you took with your camera!
FACT #1: Over the past year, a smart group of people have been making a serious residual income through uploading their digital photography to the internet. YOU can do it too!
FACT #1: Over the past year, a smart group of people have been making a serious residual income through uploading their digital photography to the internet. YOU can do it too!
How To Be A Real Musician
I'd like you to imagine yourself on stage right now with your instrument (even if it's your voice). What does that feel like to you?
How about looking out into the audience and seeing 150+ people watching you? Does it thrill you and excite you? Do you feel happy and excited to share your gift with others? Or do you feel some tinge of nervousness? The slightest thought that you might mess up or make a mistake. Or that they won't like it and will become obviously bored with you and your music. Or that they'll leave the show altogether. Or you'll get nervous and fumble to say the right thing (and say the wrong thing instead).
How about looking out into the audience and seeing 150+ people watching you? Does it thrill you and excite you? Do you feel happy and excited to share your gift with others? Or do you feel some tinge of nervousness? The slightest thought that you might mess up or make a mistake. Or that they won't like it and will become obviously bored with you and your music. Or that they'll leave the show altogether. Or you'll get nervous and fumble to say the right thing (and say the wrong thing instead).
How to make money with your camcorder or video camera creating homemade special event videos!
If you’d like to set up a small home business that ticks over, virtually ‘sells itself’ and pulls in a nice little side income, then whatever you do, read this page!
Hi, my name is Martin Hurley. I like to think I’m naturally hot wired to help people improve. As my brain whirs and clicks into overdrive I channel my creative impulses into producing organic-styled videos that I assemble on YouTube – videos that make people laugh and wonder what I’m on about.
Hi, my name is Martin Hurley. I like to think I’m naturally hot wired to help people improve. As my brain whirs and clicks into overdrive I channel my creative impulses into producing organic-styled videos that I assemble on YouTube – videos that make people laugh and wonder what I’m on about.
Pro Speed Picking
“Are you ready to master such crucial techniques as sweep picking, alternate picking, circular picking, and legato picking?”
My name is R. S. Rasnic, and I’ve been playing and teaching guitar for over 20 years. I’ve taught literally hundreds of students in my time, studied rock, blues, jazz and classical guitar, and played in countless rock, blues, and house bands. I’ve spent incalculable hours studying the mechanics of guitar technique and have developed a solid system of improving guitar speed, technique, and timing. It’s called “Pro Speed Picking,” and hundreds of guitar players have used my system to improve their technique and speed.
My name is R. S. Rasnic, and I’ve been playing and teaching guitar for over 20 years. I’ve taught literally hundreds of students in my time, studied rock, blues, jazz and classical guitar, and played in countless rock, blues, and house bands. I’ve spent incalculable hours studying the mechanics of guitar technique and have developed a solid system of improving guitar speed, technique, and timing. It’s called “Pro Speed Picking,” and hundreds of guitar players have used my system to improve their technique and speed.
Harmony Guitar America's Guitar
A look at America's most Iconic guitar it's Players-History & Worldwide Fascination-Buying & Selling for the Musician & Collector
Hi my name is Jim Galloway, I'm a published(Nashville) songwriter and professional musician. After finding a vintage Harmony Guitar at a yard sale, I remembered Harmony was my first guitar. I found that Harmony was the first guitar-student guitar of many of America's most influential musicians and the role they played in the Cultural & Industrial development of America. From the Delta Blues to Elvis & Dylan, Harmony guitars were there. Now are valued by todays artists & collectors of Americana for their cool retro looks & sound. I made a small business on EBay selling vintage Harmony guitars worldwide to people with the same fascination.
Hi my name is Jim Galloway, I'm a published(Nashville) songwriter and professional musician. After finding a vintage Harmony Guitar at a yard sale, I remembered Harmony was my first guitar. I found that Harmony was the first guitar-student guitar of many of America's most influential musicians and the role they played in the Cultural & Industrial development of America. From the Delta Blues to Elvis & Dylan, Harmony guitars were there. Now are valued by todays artists & collectors of Americana for their cool retro looks & sound. I made a small business on EBay selling vintage Harmony guitars worldwide to people with the same fascination.
Arts amp; Entertainment,
buying and selling on EBay,
Harmony Acoustic guitars,
Harmony Archtop guitars,
Harmony Guitar,
Harmony Instruments,
Harmony Red Rocket,
Harmony Vintage guitars,
Vintage acoustic guitars,
vintage electric guitars,
Vintage Guitars
Guitar Strings & Bass Strings eBook
If you are reading this, then you most likely know your stuff when it comes to guitars and equipment. Nobody can pull the wool over your eyes when it comes to selecting a good guitar or amplifier. In fact, if you are like most good musicians, you own more than a couple of instruments. Now, let’s think about something more specific to your sound. If you could improve one of those guitars with just one set of strings, would that be of interest to you? If your answer is Yes, then you might be interested in this… Professor String has just published a book about one of the most misunderstood components of the guitar: Strings. All sounds made by your guitar or bass start with the vibration of a string. Yet most guitarists overlook the basic principles of how to select the best strings for their playing style. They often start with a particular brand of string and stick with it forever. Or, they are constantly switching brands and never focus on anything specific to their playing goals. The facts about guitar and bass strings are being exposed for you in Professor String's latest e-book called "Think You Know Guitar Strings?" It has been written as a guide that helps both beginners and advanced players. You most likely have a fun guitar and great chops, but do you know anything about ASI? If is your chance to learn about it. For the first time, someone has written a chapter about Advanced String Intonation (ASI). Very little has been written about ASI. No single book or guide has been published about this topic until now. Professor String has been consulted by many of the worlds top guitar and bass luthiers about ASI issues over the years. If you are reading this, and do not know about ASI, you are too good of a player to simply ignore it. In the present day era of advanced digital tuners, ASI has become more prevalent to your tuning. This is the only book you will find on the market that covers the issues of ASI.
DISCLAIMER: If you are serious about playing in tune, you must get this book and read the ASI chapter.
DISCLAIMER: If you are serious about playing in tune, you must get this book and read the ASI chapter.
CAD Architect Design - Design Engineering Services for Architect - CAD Drawing Architect.
You'll Get an Orginal file by AutoCAD Format & Images, that mean You can directly printout it. You Can Download After Purchase! Don't waste Your Time!
If for any reason whatsoever you feel that CAD Architect Design is not a worthwhile investment, simply let me know within 60 days and I will promptly refund the full purchase price.
If for any reason whatsoever you feel that CAD Architect Design is not a worthwhile investment, simply let me know within 60 days and I will promptly refund the full purchase price.
How to Play the Harmonica - Awesome Harmonica Lessons by JP Allen
Want to learn how to play harmonica and sound good in less than 3 months – with no hard sweat and tears?
Do you want to get so good you'll be able to confidently play the songs you love for family and friends, jam with musicians, or even play on stage with a band?
Do you want to get so good you'll be able to confidently play the songs you love for family and friends, jam with musicians, or even play on stage with a band?
- Bizzy City
Bizzy City was designed to provide your child a positive, beneficial online experience free from the potential negative influences and activity found on the internet. Bizzy City is a micronet (mini-web) community for children; tweens and early teens, where they can experience selected online content such as books, games, videos, tv shows, movies, music, news, social networks and more. Although you, the parent, ultimately decides what is appropriate for your child, Bizzy City offers a unique alternative to the internet at large in a safe, controlled environment. Bizzy City features the following:
Bizoo offers hundreds of wildlife and nature videos. Your child will delight in the variety and quality of the up-close encounters with animals from all over the world.
Bizoo offers hundreds of wildlife and nature videos. Your child will delight in the variety and quality of the up-close encounters with animals from all over the world.
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