What if I could show you a better way of reading music, offer it to you for a full 60 days with no risk and do it all for less than the cost of an average private lesson?
Hello and welcome! You've most likely come to this page for 1 of 2 reasons. Either 1, you are a complete beginner researching the best way to learn how to read music. Or 2, you are frustrated with the results from trying to learn to read music the traditional way. Well I've got some good news for you both... THE OLD TRADITIONAL WAY ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST WAY!
For decades now, music teachers have been telling students that it takes years to be able to read music effectively. They will tell you that reading music is extremely difficult, even at the basic level. They will tell students that they need to take weekly lessons and practice 30 minutes to an hour every day. They will tell you to memorize a bunch of sayings, (Every good boy what?). They will tell you to start with the treble clef and worry about the bass clef later on down the road (most students quit before that day comes). Basically, they will tell you anything to make you believe that the skill of reading music notes is so incredibly hard that you won't expect to have any real results for quite some time. They will try to make you comfortable knowing that months or years may go by with little gain. Well, they are wrong, and I can prove it!
It all started about 15 years ago, early into my teaching career. I noticed that the way I read music at a job wasn't the way we teachers had been teaching it. So I spent the next few months working out a method to teach the way I read music in the real world. The result is the 9 Note Target Method that I have been teaching ever since. The results have been amazing, surprising even to me at first, to be honest. I had unlocked a way for students to be able to understand the concept of reading music in weeks, not months or years, with some seeing results after just one lesson. It has been quite simply the fastest and easiest way to learn how to read music. I have had students as young as 7 able to read notes with little to no effort after just a few lessons. I have had adult students who after years of struggling to read music finally able to name and play notes with dramatically increased speed and accuracy. This method has been tested with hundreds (thousands perhaps) of students over the years with incredible results. I know this method works because I've seen it work over and over again.
And now, I'm proud to introduce this proven and tested method in the ebook SIMPLE SIGHT READING. As thrilled as I've been with the results I get...
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