Sunday, January 13, 2013

Professional Photography: Success Without School

* Have you ever wondered how to cross-over from amateur photographer to professional? * Have you read any "how to" books but still have a day job?

Today I am a Certified Professional Photographer through the Professional Photographers of America, but how I started out is the subject of my story. In order to assist you with your dream, I've written an important ebook that will tell you what little you really need to know to succeed in the photography business and maybe even save you thousands of dollars on an unnecessary photography school education.

I don't mind telling you that I once considered attending photography school but found it just too expensive. So I did what you've probably done already.

I read many "How To" books; how to make money with my camera and how to photograph people, children, weddings, products, etc. It wasn't until years later that I realized why the information contained in the many books available didn't help me to earn a living with my camera.

You don't need elaborate technical skills. People won't buy your pictures just because they are great.

You don't need money making ideas. I tried many photographic money making ideas and learned that when you're an outsider even good ideas are hard to find buyers for.

I got a break many years ago when I found the perfect mentor. He was a ready-to-retire instructor at an elite photography school who offered me an extremely abbreviated photography education for free. The "experiment" was, could I succeed with it? The answer is YES, I DID!

Those in photography school aren't getting specific knowledge in simple steps because they're getting the whole package. That's what they've paid for! I learned that I only needed a part of the package, the part that would enable me to create what a customer wants to buy, and help me to become an insider for that market.

That's the part of the package you want too; just the necessary information to get working and not one detail more.

You need insider knowledge of how to get "inside" a market and provide only what your clientele pays money for.

You need to know less details but more specifics... most other books and classes are geared toward all the details.

I had varied photographic tastes but because my mentor was a career photographer and teacher in the area of portraiture, I decided to give it a shot.

But I'd read many "How To" books about portrait or "people" photography and knew that not one of them had made any difference in my ability to actually earn money, because none of them shared insider knowledge about how to start step by step realistically and on a budget.

I do now! I know what works for sure after following my mentor's wise advice and seeing it work for me.

My frame of reference from the beginning has always been "Tell me just what matters most and how I can do it...

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