The Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 is the updated version of one of the best-selling professional training courses for beginner wedding photographers on the market. The original course sold worldwide for 4 years and helped hundreds of photographers start up and run their own successful wedding photography business!
If you want to break free from the hum-drum chains that are holding you back so that you can finally do something you love, either for a living or as a part time enterprise, the Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 will help you on your way.
The Wedding Photography Blueprint is the most in-depth digital wedding photography foundation course currently available that is designed to give anyone the chance to become a successful wedding photographer, regardless of experience or knowledge. These extensive and easy to understand DVD’s and eBooks make your learning curve as easy as “painting by numbers”
“Just wanted to say thanks. I got the DVD course at the end of last year in preparation for a friends wedding. I gave them the photos last week and they are absolutely thrilled. Definitely could not have done it without your help. The basic camera setting you recommend in the DVD was worth the price on it’s own. I didn’t get a single badly exposed shot “- Lee Brookes, UK.
Knowledge is King, and when you fully understand not only how to capture and present stunning wedding images but also how the whole wedding “thing” works, your confidence levels will soar to new heights.
Confidence is everything is this game. If you have confidence in your equipment, capture settings and what is required from you throughout the entire wedding (including the planning stages and post-wedding duties), your self confidence and belief will grow and you WILL excel at this and earn respect from those around you.
Once you earn respect from your first wedding couple, that respect grows as they tell their friends and families about you (who DOESN’T show off their wedding albums?). Then, as you become busier, you gain respect from your peers and associates and from then on the world is your oyster and in comes the money.
4. Money! (You notice that money is number 4, you CANNOT get much of it without getting the first three!)
Once you achieve the above and have absolute faith in yourself, the money just comes. Money is attracted to those who desire it the most and desire coupled with knowledge and faith in yourself can do amazing things…even earn you your freedom!
There is no better feeling than the day when you sack your boss! Once you reach a level of income and confidence in your business, it is time to go it alone and that feels good, very good. You become completely self sufficient and it is addictive believe me! No slacking once you get there now!
Once you have digested this course, we are always here for support, any time. In...
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