Sunday, January 13, 2013

Promotion for Music - How to Market Your Songs and Music in the New Music Industry

We cover unique new music marketing techniques and learn about how to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities that exist for indie musicians for promoting their songs and music directly to thousands of new fans, without having to form an oppressive so-called “partnership” with a typical record label.

While labels are throwing money blindly at their promotions, you can quietly be gathering thousands of new fans and listeners… And you won’t have to spend a dime on advertising.

You can do this simply by knowing very specific, very powerful, words and phrases that very few musicians or even promoters have access to.

You know, on your website, or your MySpace or Facebook page. Tons of times, right? That’s great, it’s a good thing to do.

With access to this resource, you can be one of the few who can say to thousands of fans every month, “Hey, over here! I’ve got some music you’ll love right here.”

Powerful New Promotion for Music Technique Using the “Musician’s Blueprint to Getting Heard GOLD LIST”

Once you have access to these golden phrases, it’s as simple as choosing one and using it every time you describe one of your songs on your website or music page.

You’ve arrived here today in time to take advantage of a special price for The Getting Heard GOLD LIST.

Remember, The Musician’s GOLD LIST will give you a cutting edge promotion for music technique created and ready for the 21st century music industry and audience.

You see, even if you use special software tools for finding just the right phrases, they are a bit expensive and worse, the whole process is time consuming.

This is a ready-to-use list is going to be so valuable to you. Once you take the lid off this list, you will be amazed at the results.

I used the analytic and statistics tools I described in “The Musician’s Blueprint to Getting Heard” and ran hundreds of scans and tests using hundreds of different parameters.

I’ve only included phrases that are “high demand” and extremely “low competition.” In other words, Google can’t find much music out there to give these fans, that matches what they are looking for because almost no musicians are using, or even know how to market a song or about this method of promotion for music. There simply isn’t any resource for musicians like The Getting Heard GOLD LIST.

Don’t forget to place your order now and take advantage of this powerful tool and start getting your music heard.

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