I'd like you to imagine yourself on stage right now with your instrument (even if it's your voice). What does that feel like to you?
How about looking out into the audience and seeing 150+ people watching you? Does it thrill you and excite you? Do you feel happy and excited to share your gift with others? Or do you feel some tinge of nervousness? The slightest thought that you might mess up or make a mistake. Or that they won't like it and will become obviously bored with you and your music. Or that they'll leave the show altogether. Or you'll get nervous and fumble to say the right thing (and say the wrong thing instead).
Sit up in your chair and read this part with your eyes wide-open, because this could change your life and music career forever: your mind is the ONLY cause in this cause-effect relationship. All the things you may be experiencing above, like nervousness, anxiety and feeling timid onstage, are effects. They exist because of a cause (or multiple causes). That cause is your mind.
Your mind sets up your perception of any given situation or event, and then you interpret that information and react in the most appropriate way (given your beliefs at the time). Did you catch that? Your pre-existing beliefs, whether they're about life in general, yourself and what you're capable of, or about playing music, all set up your perception and how your brain interprets information.
If you have beliefs like "making a mistake is bad" from being scolded for poor grades in childhood (or just strict parenting in general), you're going to feel anxiety anytime you feel like you could be on the verge of making a mistake. This effect is amplified when you're put in a situation in front of hundreds of people performing, as you could imagine!
You heard that right. We're letting you have a 100% risk-free trial, but not just for the 4-week program; we're giving it to you for a full 60 days. If you're not satisfied with your product for any reason, anytime within the next 60 days, contact us for a full refund (prompt, no-questions-asked). If you are satisfied and feel yourself breaking through with new insights and more confidence in front of others (or any other benefits you may find), send us an email and let us know your success story! We love to hear them.
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