Saturday, January 12, 2013

Nativity Play Musical - Christmas Pageant Play - Christmas Carols Lyrics

"Off Season" Sale! We want to give you every opportunity to purchase the Comprehensive Christmas Nativity Play. So for the time being only pay this ridiculously low price: Pay $29 instead of $97!

f you'd like to experience a delightful Christmas musical play with all your favorite Christmas Carols, plus receive tons of help with production to make your play a delightful success, even if you've never done this before, then this might be the most welcome news you'll ever receive on the subject.

You receive extensive easy to follow rehearsal notes, administrative and publicity documents you may copy— all to help you successfully present a memorable, delightful, stress-free, Christmas play for your church, school, club, group or family. We literally have anticipated all that you have to do to present a successful play.

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Consider the following five good reasons to assure you that the play will work for you.

"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came three wise men from the East, to Jerusalem, saying "Where is He that is born King of the Jews for we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him?" … And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh."

"Mary exits stage from the back ... at the start of the next song Costume Person - Change Mary's outfit ... Stage Help - Take the covers off the bales of Hay as soon as the light is off..." "At end of Narration, a 'pregnant' Mary supported by Joseph enters through front entrance." "As song #22 starts, the Choir leave their positions ... in preparation for the picture-taking frenzy that will happen shortly."

All available with easy downloads. You don't have to go searching elsewhere for the sheet music you need. Many of the sheet music have notes and guitar chords as well as the lyrics. NEW this year - Custom piano music accompaniment of the songs. Each piece comes together in spectacular fashion to create a delightful Christmas play that all will enjoy.

Even if you don't have experience doing a Christmas play, you have the help you need to be successful. Extensive and simple color-coded program and rehearsal notes and helpful hints tell you what actions should be taking place and what to prepare for the next scene. You get significant help to present a delightful, successful play.

Portable and versatile. Makes a wonderful performance for your Church, School, Club, Youth Group, Bible Study Group, Sunday School Group, Home Group, or just your family

— It's a pantomime which means no-stress memorizing lines or worse, forgetting or mixing up lines — Save time on learning curve because production and rehearsal information you need is presented to you to make your life easier — No stress thinking about or composing administrative and publicity documents from scratch. You simply copy the documents we provide if...

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