Providing quick & easy decorative fabric painting & handbag making resources for artisans. . .
It’s true, in just a few minutes of watching my videos you can learn the exact step-by-step system for painting amazing abstract and floral designs that has taken me years to perfect. My easy fabric painting techniques will help you to create marketable designs that can be applied to just about any surface. So say goodbye to bland products that do not sell and hello to amazing products that keep your customers coming back for more!
Learning how to paint on clothing fabric is really much easier than you think! Within minutes of watching our painting videos & applying the steps you will ask yourself how a complete beginner can produce amazing works of art like an artist in such a short space of time.
The good news is you don’t require any painting, crafts or drawing experience. And you learn at your pace.
You can become the artist you always wanted to be without studying for years. Now instead of creating your products with store bought fabrics you can begin designing with your own signature painted or printed designs to produce truly unique items on a variety of fabrics and surfaces.
Once in the classroom you can learn our basic techniques then choose as many projects that suit your interest at your leisure. Simply click on the videos and begin feasting on our easy (and fun) fabric painting secrets. Now that’s what is needed to make your products sizzle!
Instead of paying $800.00, (the cost of 2 months of fabric painting training in my live class) you pay a one time fee of $97.00 for access to my videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
You save a whopping $703.00 and have access to more content, individualized training, private email consultations and you get to do it all without having to leave your home!
Do you look at art and think…”I wish I could do that!” Well now you can create designs with ease. These simple painting techniques do not take special talent or a gift, just following straightforward step-by-step instructions to teach you how to paint amazing fabric design. Our online classes are the easiest way to create the art of your dreams.
People who thought they were not artistic at all are learning how to design fabric for fashion and interior design, as well as how to paint a bag, souvenirs and craft with my simple painting techniques. Within minutes you can learn how to paint flowers and even abstract designs. You can paint on clothes, shoes and even wooden box bags too and you’ll be amazed when you see how easy it is to do!
Anyone who can pick up a paint brush can learn how to paint beautiful clothing, shoes and handbags once you know how.
As a textile artist, instructor and designer of the Teri Monique line of handbags I...
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