Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vivian Clement's 31 Success Secrets for Female Musicians

Learn these proven strategies to help you feel empowered and self-confident in the testosterone-driven music industry.

Discover the 31 Success Secrets that will deeply empower you to fulfill your musical dreams.

This e-book will show you how to confidently handle difficult challenges you'll encounter while working with men.

How to continually feel self-confident around men even during face-to-face conflict.

How to professionally and effectively deal with people who stereotype you.

How to let men know of your accomplishments without feeling like you're bragging.

“The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it”. ~Roseanne Barr

Fretboard Knowledge for the Contemporary Guitarist From Alfred Publishing

How to Succeed as a Female Guitarist From Alfred Publishing

If you want the recognition and prestige you deserve from your career, satisfaction and respect that comes from being a successful female musician, and if you want the know-how to accomplish your goals while working around men… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

I’ll teach you the proper mind-set you’ll need to get the respect you deserve in the male-dominated music business. You’ll become remarkably proficient at solving many of the problems that women usually “leave to the men”. Not only that, but your eyes will suddenly be opened for the first time to see how to fast-track your career to success.

I can tell you my success in the music business did not happen overnight.

After finishing music college I began gigging around the city, playing in various bands. On one hand I was able to make a basic living as a musician… but on the other hand I couldn’t figure out why my colleagues (mostly men) were surpassing me in their careers.

It wasn’t until I worked in the corporate world (for a short period of time) that I suddenly understood why my musical career wasn't getting anyway. As I encountered many thriving businesswomen, I diligently observed what they did to succeed in their chosen profession and how they interacted with men. I read and studied every book I could get my hands on about working in a male environment. I made the following incredible discovery: Even though the corporate world is very different than the music business, the principles of successfully working with men are exactly the same.

The biggest key that unlocked my new mind-set was that most men have no problem with women working with them as long as women play by the same rules. All these years I had been playing by my “female” rules expecting to be treated as one of the guys. I suddenly realized why my methods weren't working.

As I began applying these new rules, my career drastically changed. It’s like I had awakened from a dream. I gained new confidence and understanding that I never had before.

For the first time, I felt like I truly...

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