Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Official Website for Storybook Advent Calendar and Carols Collections

At Storybook Advent, we're passionate about education, history, God and the fundamental human rights illustrated within Kingdom principles of the New Testament. Its creators, Laura Lewis and Michael Brech, are intellectuals as well as artists and Christians. Yes! Faith and intelligence are compatible! Both grew up with a love of learning, God and culture. Storybook Advent, the music and all aspects celebrate Christ's ministry in addition to classic literature, classic music, history, human rights and current events affecting Christians around the world. If you've been craving a refreshing alternative to the negativity of recent years within the church, Storybook Advent is a breath of fresh air. Products include Books, Music, Ringtones, Wallpaper, QDreams and Charity fund-raising opportunities.

This delightful collection includes the Storybook Advent Calendar with 24 Christmas stories, the Caroling Songbook with 43 versions of 37 popular carols and three CDs featuring 20 American and 20 Classic British and European Christmas Carols.

24 children's Christmas stories, poems and prayers, designed to be read each night of Advent. Stories include a combination of classics, with the historic notations. PLUS seven original stories, fully illustrated in your choice of full color or black & white paperback; also in e-book.

40 Classic Christmas Carols: 20 American classics and 20 British classic. Book includes the lyrics and histories of the composers and lyricists as well as the songs. In addition explore Christian areas of the Holy Land and England through pictures. Full Color or black and white paperback. Also in e-book format.

Love Christmas carols? Then you'll be thrilled with the unique yet classic Storybook Advent Christmas Carols Collections. Volume One includes 20 American Christmas Classics played in the American Tradition. Volume Two has 20 British Christmas Classics played in the European Tradition. There is a delightful difference. That's 40 of your all time favorites in one collection! CD or MP3.

If you have a non-profit and are looking for a unique way to raise funds, consider Carols for a Cause. Simply choose 12-18 of the carols from Storybook Advent Carols Collections volumes one and two and we can create a custom album and song book for your organization. You can choose physical (paperbacks & CDs) or digital versions, whichever works best for your supporters. Cut-off for each year's holiday season is September 30.

To your left are the ringtones designed for your mobile phone of all 40 songs featured in the Storybook Advent Carols Collections Volume One and Volume Two. Volume One features classic Christmas Carols played in the American tradition. Volume Two features British favorites played in the English tradition.

Each carol is masterfully played by musician and composer Michael Brech and formatted specifically for your phone. As each is piano, the carols play beautifully throughout the year whilst adding a touch of Christmas during the holidays.

Play around with them and listen in the widget to your left. You'll hear the full ringtone, most lasting 30-40 seconds. You can even get a copy of this...

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