Saturday, January 12, 2013 - Home

This website is dedicated to all those who are passionate about drama teaching. Unfortunately passion doesn’t always get you through in a teaching subject that has a high attrition rate. Many drama teachers ‘become the drama’ and either give up early or burn out later; chose less demanding subjects to teach; or leave teaching all together. As a young drama teacher I discovered how humiliating, how devastating, how depressing it is to discover that your great ideas, your energy and your enthusiasm are not enough to get you through. After only six months I simply left school at lunchtime one day and never returned. I dedicated a chapter in my book, Organised Chaos: A Very Practical Guide to Drama Teaching to my early failure as a drama teacher. The good news is that after giving up on my chosen career, bruised, battered and bewildered, I later returned to become an extremely successful drama teacher. I’m not just 'blowing my own trumpet' here. Check out what other teaching professionals have to say in the Personal Endorsements on this website. Drama Teaching Resources This is a website dedicated to helping new, struggling or flagging drama teachers find answers to problems, new direction and renewed enthusiasm. The aim is to make everything very practical. You won’t find highly intellectual articles debating the pros and cons of different approaches to drama. You will find information, resources and advice to help you develop a great drama program and organise your classes on a daily basis. This will be material that helps you to not only survive as a drama teacher but achieve the success you richly deserve. Harry Tawse (The successful failed drama teacher)

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