If you’d like to set up a small home business that ticks over, virtually ‘sells itself’ and pulls in a nice little side income, then whatever you do, read this page!
Hi, my name is Martin Hurley. I like to think I’m naturally hot wired to help people improve. As my brain whirs and clicks into overdrive I channel my creative impulses into producing organic-styled videos that I assemble on YouTube – videos that make people laugh and wonder what I’m on about.
As a photographer I pounded away at it for a while. No magazines would even look at me. I still enjoy the odd reject letter. But today my work sits everywhere from the Marriot Hotel chain (USA) and private homes in Sydney and London, to cafes in India. I’ve had over 100,000 views of my YouTube videos alone. I know, it’s not perfect — but it’s OK for a newbie.
If you’re sitting there with a video camera by your side, then you’re sweet, because you have a tool that you can potentially use to earn an income.
But, like most of us, you’ve probably had to fork out some serious chump change for a new-fangled, do-it-all, high-Res HD video camera.
I know how this feels. After forking out almost $1200 for my camcorder then blowing the rest on tripod, memory cards, trick filters, trick camera bag and mega-GB video cassettes… (gotta have the gear to go with it, right?)
That day I got home, put my new toy on the table, but found myself struggling to sleep. Something was eating away at me…
I saw my video camera as an asset — after cranking out the moolah for it I felt the urgency to create something way bigger than family beach videos!
We all know what it’s like to spend up big on a hobby or passion, and then try to recoup those costs.
But anyways, what the heck, I thought I’d have a go at this ‘homemade videos thing’ all the same.
But seriously, if you think it over, homemade videos is an insanely good idea. I mean, apart from the fact that we’ve all grown up watching videos, the whole ‘homemade’ thing doesn’t whiff of commercialism or seem too “out-of-reach.”
And I’ve absolutely no proof of this but I think people are more willing to support your business if you create homemade stuff. It’s like people sort of unconsciously think “oh it must have taken her heaps of time to make that – so I’m happy to help her out.“
But anyways, if we cut to the chase, imagine for a minute that you produced your own home made special event video in any market you chose.
In fact, you can create a video for under $5.00 and have it on eBay the very next day. As long as you know how...
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