Friday, December 28, 2012

The Photography X-Factor

Imagine...being able to take beautiful photos at the next family outing & impressing everyone with your flash photography skills...wouldn’t it be great to finally be the talk of the party?

Now, I didn’t start out as a professional photographer with many expensive camera lenses, flash guns and other equipments.

I was a struggling so-called photographer trying to learn how shoot like an experienced photographer. Obviously, I failed many times.

I spent my hard-earned money from my part time job to attend photography courses, but didn’t learn what I needed to achieve the realism of an experienced photographer.

I can still remember the first time I offered to take photos for my relative’s baby back in 2007, when I didn’t really understand how to attain my potential.

I thought I managed to take nice photos, so I shared it with all my friends – but they laughed at my photography skills.

Looking at their photos, I felt that I was not as skilful, couldn’t take photos as well as they could. I Might As Well Stayed At Home And Watched Football.

And after awhile, I tend to shy away from family outings and my buddies stopped inviting me to go hang out with them.

This is not from overnight success. I’ve been practicing and learning for almost every single day to attain a higher level of photography skills.

The truth is... there was this one year period that I did not improve my photography techniques at all. After achieving the results that I wanted, I concentrated on teaching others (my cousins and friends), at the expense of myself. Because of teaching others, I lack of practice time and stopped learning in photography for almost a year! My photography techniques became stuck at the same level without improvement.

Deep down in my heart, I know that I’ve been satisfied for where I am in my photography techniques and skills. I’ve been satisfied that I stopped improving my photography skills.

I was invited to join an event that is organized for every photographer to share their masterpiece with everyone.

I suddenly did not feel so satisfied anymore. I had thought I was good enough to master the art of photography... until I met many experienced photographers who were far better than me.

And while I was inspired by them, being with these experienced photographers made me totally dissatisfied.

You see, most people take expensive photography courses and buy many different types of pricey equipments.

I don't have thousands of dollars to throw at new cameras, lights, and to enrol in courses as I have spent most of my hard-earned money.

I sat at my “little photography lab” at home looking at all of my previous photos taken… and eventually thought of a different way to shoot them. A different way to make photos look more interesting and beautiful.

I begin practicing and taking photos every day again to crack the code...

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