Monday, December 31, 2012

Practical Pinup Online Workshop

My name is Ron Davis and I am a photographer. I've always loved photography and have taken pictures for as long as I can remember. But a few years ago I was just like you! I wanted to get into Pinup Photography because I knew thats where the big money is, but I had two big problems: I never really understood how to get models to agree to sit for me and even when I did I was so clumsy and awkward, the studio sessions and shots were a complete disaster. I was always disappointed and frustrated with my efforts.

I don't have to tell how daunting a live studio session can be when you really don't know what you are doing!

Lucky for me that I am not the kind of person that gives in easily so I stuck at it. I don't mind admitting that it has taken me years of sweat and tears to reach the point where I have absolutely no problem finding models and can churn out stunning shots every single time.

A while ago some friends of mine were so impressed with my work they suggested I teach people how to manage studio sessions from start to finish. Of course I was reluctant at first after all I am not a trained teacher and I wasn't really sure that I wanted to share the valuable knowledge I had developed. Well they worked on me until eventually I just had to cave in. My first ever studio workshop, held back in 2006, covered set building, techniques and shooting with multiple light set-ups. I was amazed that 12 people signed up! We had a great time and we all learnt lots - and I found that I loved teaching photography!

Over the next two years I concentrated on refining my entire studio technique. I reviewed everything using live sessions to improve each and every part. It was hard work, testing again and again, and it cost me a small fortune in model fees. But eventually I perfected a fantastically easy to follow three-stage system that has rewarded me many times over in high quality publishable pictures!

On October 13th and 14th at my studio in downtown Houston I taught the new version of my three-stage workshop. A select few, one of whom travelled over 1300 miles to be there, were take step-by-step through the system during a live session. They even paid me $300 each for the privilege!

OK, I know I'm starting to sound like I think I'm the greatest out there. But I'm not. There are lots of photographers who are way better than I am many of them creating wonderful pictures. But the majority of them produce average shots most of the time, with only a few reaching what I would call publishable quality.

When I ran the October workshop I knew I wanted to teach more than just the few who could afford the $300 fee and travel...

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