Monday, December 31, 2012


This solo was created by RANDOMLY picking from a series of 1-second guitar sections, and adding them together...

This tool features a whole bunch of short, loopable guitar bites, recorded in the same key. Each 'lick' is easy to learn, and perfect on its own to add to your arsenal of killer licks. But if you add them together - they will flow together in any order, making it easy to learn to build longer phrases, and help you to become a better guitarist. CREATE YOUR OWN GUITAR SOLOS using the licks provided, and then learn to play them!

- provide 66 'building block' licks you can use in your own playing (millions of different combinations!)

- provide a utility where you can use these building blocks to create your own monster solo, and then learn to play it

Thanks to the program's incredible and simple design, using the program is a breeze, even a monkey could operate this technology! Clicking any of the lick numbers (a lick is a short passage of notes) will add that lick to the playlist. Hit play, and you will hear what the lick sounds like, and be presented with the tabulature so you can see how it is played, and then play along with the audio until you have it mastered.

There is also a whole range of example tracks demonstrating how you can create huge solos simply using the licks provided.

Here are some more 'example solos' like the one at the top, which you can build with this software, then listen to, and then learn to play. Notice how the guitar solos sound TOTALLY NATURAL, and using this program you can easily build solos just like these and learn to play and use them yourself!

Once you install the software, simply run the program and you are presented with a simple interface. Select the licks you want to listen to and hit play. Once you have found some you like, you can learn to play them, and then play along with the audio to perfect your technique and timing. Then you can play around adding multiple licks to the queue, and construct a long flowing series of licks - and hey presto - you have just built a guitar solo! All the licks are in the same key, and have been recorded specially to flow in almost any order.

You can use these licks individually and add them to your arsenal of ideas to chuck in to your jam sessions, or you can use some of them for writing your own material. But the best bit about this program is that you get an idea of how to create guitar solos by splitting it up into smaller sections. This is an invaluable opportunity, as 66 Licks gives you the tools that no other program can on the market today.

The licks are so simple to learn, and broken into 3 difficulties to cater for everyones needs - and even if you are an advanced player, the...

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