Monday, December 31, 2012 Piano Lessons Online - Play Piano - Learn Piano

You don't need to go to music school! Learn how to play piano like a pro right now. DOWNLOAD THE VIDEOS.

You are going to be playing piano by the end of the day. Are you ready? If you are looking for a complete solution to learning the piano, from start to finish, this is your answer. PianoCoachPro is here. It is your complete, online video package to learning how to play anything on Piano, Keys and/or organ.

My name is Jamie Lewis. I have been playing Piano and Keyboards professionally for 12 years. I have taught at numerous schools and have also taught privately as well. My method was invented naturally over time and it is one of the most easily understood methods that provides the student with the tools needed to become a serious player.

During the summer of 2007, I received hundreds of emails and calls from people just like you, with strong desires for a piano workshop that unlike the ones of the past; Would actually work! After a few more weeks of research, and speaking with my students and colleagues, PianoCoachPro was born. All of my Mastery methods on video, with a twist: They would be produced in a never before seen platform.

How to play from ear, (No music needed) develop a talent that you otherwise would need to be born with.

How to read music, play any piece of music or song with just a page of written notes. (Without it taking months to learn!)

The world's first complete piano method began. The first easily accessed, rapid mastery method for piano, keys, organ and music theory. The program design comes from a carefully orchestrated combination of both cutting edge and traditional techniques. Everything was recorded on video with careful respect to the player. It was important that this program incorporated every stage of expertise as well as covering all styles of music and technique. PianoCoachPro is a wide ranged system that can be used as a complete learning system, teaching tool, resource and talent exercise.

Are you a beginner who wants to learn the basics and start playing pieces of music and your favorite songs?

You might even want to develop new talents that will allow you to hear a piece of music and play it by musical memory without music, notes or hearing the music more than once!

It will not take you to the bank, charging you every week for "lessons" wasting your time and money.

Lets learn how to first understand the keyboard, make your way around it and then master the instrument. All of the techniques you are about to learn are the building blocks of skill behind the piano. This is all you will need to play the most incredible pieces of music, and it does not matter what level of player you are. You are in for the ride of your life. It is easier than you think and when you discover the ultimate mastery method...

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