Sunday, December 30, 2012

Overcome Clumsy Piano Fingers

Playing with both hands has never been easier. With this remarkable new series of fun and simple videos you'll be more confident, more skilled and more pumped up to play piano than you've ever been!

Don't you think it's time to start feeling confident on the piano, never miss a beat, never lose your place and have well trained hands and fingers that obey your every command?

Are you craving for more music knowledge? How to instantly find any chord on the piano, know the scale formula, learn the components to writing your own songs?

Over the years students like you have come to me with all the same challenges on the piano - the same challenges that you are experiencing right now. Whether you are trying to read music, play by ear, play by chord, or just playing around on the piano - everyone faces physical challenges of playing the piano!

After all, what other activity on this whole planet can you think of that demands the precise movement of coordinating both hands, 10 fingers, eyes, brain and feet to obey all at the same time, all on the same beat?

So, I put together the top 59 exercises that I used over the years to help students overcome these challenges and categorized them into very specific targeted problems.

Never before have I seen such a product. This will crush the myth of thinking you need natural talent, long fingers, youth or hours of practice. These exercises are for everyone who wants to improve their piano skills quickly whether you are a beginner or an advanced student!

Friends, these are proven exercises, guaranteed to help you finally play those favorite songs without missing a beat and feeling clumsy! (Plus give you confidence with knowledge of how music is put together!)

These 3 bonus gifts are priceless because I believe you would not want to part with them once you have access to them!...They are free gifts from me when you join the boot camp today!

You've probably already invested your time and possibly even some money into learning the piano...right? Isn't time to make your investment count by making sure your playing skills are the best they can be?

I'd like to invite you to be among the first to get your hands on this "skill-accelerating" program at a very low introductory price.

You might be wondering why I have only chosen a handful of students to get in on this ground floor opportunity.

Frankly, it's because I need help with finishing it up and developing it to its full potential. When I release it to the public, I will be releasing it at a higher price, and I need help with building it's value. Most of the value building will be coming from your feedback, so I am counting on you to make this a revolutionary product to boost the confidence of any pianist!

The way it works is simple and fast. The introductory price is only...

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