Monday, December 31, 2012

The Novel Writing Academy

“Attention all Novel Writers! It’s time to get published!” No more excuses. The Novel Writing Academy Offers the Step-by-Step Instruction and Coaching you Need to Succeed!

Whether you’re just starting out with only a great idea and the desire to write a novel or you’ve finished a novel and need help getting published, or somewhere in between, The Novel Writing Academy is the place to make it happen. We’ll show you how to write, publish, and market your novel.

Writing a novel is a solitary activity. But that doesn’t mean you have to do everything completely on your own. You don’t have to rely on random magazine articles and hobby sites on the web. The Novel Writing Academy is dedicated to providing the instruction, support, coaching and tools you need to be a successful writer.

From your first day at the Novel Writing Academy you will be working towards becoming a successful, published author. You’ll find that the tutorials and support that’s available to you here is more beneficial than any other program you’ve seen or tried.

The Novel Writing Academy is not like many other writing websites that you’ve seen. This program is not just bits and pieces of interesting stuff or a collection of articles about writing. This is a step by step program that you can follow to get your novel written, published, and sold. This is not a hobby site where you post your writing and let other people comment. This is a site for serious writers who want to be successful.

Take this important step toward becoming a published author. If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, then writing a novel begins with a single word.

As a writing coach, Julie Coan found that she was saying many of the same things to every single client. This instruction became the basis for the tutorials in the Novel Writing Academy.

At the Novel Writing Academy, our tutorials are divided into seven instruction modules. Each instruction module includes tutorials, planning guides, and resources. These step-by-step tutorials introduce you to the topic and give you a solid understanding of how to use the techniques to become a successful, published author. From scene writing, plot building, and character development to publishing and marketing, we offer complete instruction in all the topics that you need to succeed.

The Academy’s Novel Outline Module uses specially designed Planning Guides.These pages will speed up the writing process and help you create a strong, publishable novel. The outline will help you create character sketches that really work, plot points that create a strong story. They allow you to easily determine the value of your subplots and plot layers.

The most important thing that a writer must do is this: finish their novel. That may sound like a simple thing, but the world is littered with unfinished books. They lurk in dark closet shelves...

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