Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fashion Business Blueprint - Fashion Design, Clothing Line - How To Become A Fashion Designer

How to become a fashion designer and create your own clothing line, working at home.

Who Else Wants To Become A Fashion Designer And Start A Fashion Business?

You Can Work at Home Creating Your Clothing Line

YES, YOU CAN Create A Fashion Business! All YOU Need Is Someone In Your Corner ... To Guide You Step-By-Step So That In A Few Short Weeks You Could Be Taking Your Own Fashion Order!.

Dear 'Fashion Designer And Fashion Business Owner To Be'!

Do you ever feel saddened because you so want to become a fashion designer and create your own fashion design business but, it all seems 'pie in the sky'?

When you're working, either in your office, a shop, around the house or even just out walking - do you often wish you knew how to get started? But, you fear that you wouldn't be able to do it because you've no confidence in being successful, due to your lack of skills or many other reasons.

(That's exactly what it was like for me! I knew absolutely nada about the fashion business but I loved the designs I saw in the magazines and on TV. In fact, I used to watch all the fashion shows and I knew that I could do what other fashion designers did, if only I knew how! Where was this fashion info?)

They get bogged down with just earning a living and not following their dreams because they don't have the TIME or the enegry after working full time in the 'day job'! This senaero is happening in households all over the world.

The are told by family and friends that they should forget about that DREAM and get a 'proper' job. "Think about their pensions and security!" In the majority of cases the people giving this 'good' advice, aren't the right people to be guided by anyway because of their own lack of determination to live out their dream life.

They leave college or school with QUALIFICATIONS totally unrelated to working in the fashion industry and think that they have lost their opportunity. In a lot of cases they have been guided into a particular career path which, turns out to be a soul destroying way of earning a living.

They are stay at home moms or dads and fill their days with tasks which eventually takes away their CONFIDENCE in their ability to follow their dreams. These parents do a fantastic job and would love to be working at home doing something they have a passion for but, because it is not recognised, they begin to doubt their own potential.

They want to change their career but FEAR that they won't be successful. There are thousands of people living in quiet despair because they're miserable in their jobs but fear moving on.

The answer is very simple! It's deciding to become one of the top 2% of the people who actually live their dreams and not be one of the 98% who just...

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