Monday, December 31, 2012

Industrial Product Photography

Always In demand, start making money shooting industrial product photography. If you want to start making great money as a professional photographer, then shooting product photography is the way to go. It's lucrative, consistent and always in demand, making money as a product photographer has never paid so much. From iphones and ipads to cars, planes and furniture, all commercial and industrial products need to be photographed. There is no larger market for a photographer then the product photography field. Take a drive through an industrial park in your city, many of these companies are developing and assembling new products everyday. All of these products need to be shot for brochures, slicks, catalogs, web sites and tradeshow exhibits. Not only that, but these products are being designed and assembled, redesigned and reassembled on a regular basis and they'll call YOU back every time. If you have no idea how to light and shoot industrial or commercial products then this book is for you. You won't need the largest mega pixel camera or tons of lighting equipment either. Yes, I know it's not as glamorous as shooting models in bikinis, but it will pay the bills while you're waiting for that bikini shoot. I've been shooting commercial and industrial products since 1985, from film to digital. Customers like Westinghouse, Radisson and Marriot hotels, Checkers restaurants, Archway Cookies and many more. Over 90% of my shoots are on location, so you won't need a studio to worry about. I'll also show you my equipment, how to setup the shot, light it and do the Photoshop work. Learn the skills in this book and you'll be able to shoot any product out there. From production to marketing, this 75 page book has over 130 photos, drawings and screen captures to help turn you into a product photography shooting pro.

"I've shot a lot of commercial photography over the years, lots of wrestlers like Hogan and Savage and many models for calendars and catalogs. But nothing has consistantly paid the bills like product photography, YES you can make money with photography."

Ten product photography shoots from beginning to end, covering the shoot, lighting, setup and all the Photoshop work. Shooting and combining eight separate images in Photoshop to create one of the most perfectly lit images that you’ll ever see. Even if you have a low megabyte camera, you’ll be able to shoot images that are two to three times larger then you normally can. After shooting with a 4 x 5 film camera for 20 years, my first digital camera was a Canon 6 mp Digital Rebel and I did some of my best work with it. How to light stainless steel and chrome. How to setup an image to print as a 3D lenticular postcard. My camera and lighting equipment, (Canons or Nikons work great). Using paths in Photoshop to remove backgrounds perfectly. How to setup and design press print jobs in Photoshop. How to use lens flares for effect...

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