Monday, December 31, 2012

Drawing Secrets Revealed - Learn to Draw Like a Pro With Online Drawing Lessons!

A page from my Lesson 2 – Basic Shapes lesson summary showing how basic shapes make up any subject you want to draw

Sarah, I really appreciated this lesson because getting the proportions and shapes correct is something I’ve really struggled with. Making the block-in a distinct step helped me focus on proportion and separate it from shading.

I wanted to share with you, the block in technique was quite an eye opener for me! As you rightly pointed out, I was one of those people who started their drawing, one detail at a time (e.g. in a portrait, I would tackle the hair, then eyes, then lips, neck and so forth). The block in technique is a really helpful and accurate way of getting the proportions right and giving the drawing a solid foundation! Look forward to your feedback! Thank you for your detailed feedback on my lesson four assignment. I really appreciate the specific pointers you gave me.

Block-in with axis lines: this is a very valuable technique, and I’m very glad to have been introduced to this. I definitely plan to use this from now on.

I find this training immensely helpful. The blocking in is a huge ah ha for me. You would think I would have gotten that from all the lessons I took before, but this is the first time.

It [helped] to break the flower into four quadrants — I can see how that technique would be useful with more complicated shapes.

“Thank you so much for your course. The teaching and encouragement was great. I appreciated being able to download and print the lesson materials. I’m sure I will refer to my binders with these lessons in weeks to come. Watching the videos were very helpful in understanding the lesson. Your encouraging critiques were always inspiring and helped me continue even when I didn’t think I had done very well. I always want to do it better. You encouraged me to keep trying. I don’t know what you could do to improve this course. I learned well from your teaching style, and the content was excellent, especially the way each lesson built on the previous one. Thanks again for your excellent teaching.

Sarah, what a fun class. I never leave home without my cell phone and my ipad. Now, I’m also adding my value scale! As an artist, you may not understand this, but I am a retired engineer and never even thought I had a right brain. So imagine the world that you’ve opened up to me: I now see and notice shapes in nature and tonal values and can even make a decent attempt at reproducing them. I know there’s lots more to learn, but even at this point — look out world! Thanks for all your help.  I’m noticing tonal gradations everywhere and will be spending more time on my drawing skills. Blocking-in was an eyeopener for me and...

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