Monday, December 31, 2012

Spray Paint Art Secrets - Take your spray paint art to the next level!

All You Need To Do Is Enter Your Email To Get Your F*R*E*E Lesson ! + Access To The New List Of Spray Can Recommendations

I’ll get right to the point. This is not your normal learn to paint site. If you’re looking to spend years of your life to learn techniques everybody already knows then move on. This site can teach you something VERY different, VERY powerful.

 A key to Spray Paint Art Mastery is mastering the process of using a paint spatula to draw – would you like this mastery?

You see, I worked with these artists in Puerto Vallarta Mexico for 15 years. With the techniques they taught me, I was able to easily support myself as an artist and muralist. During this time we co-created even more advanced and tricky quick painting techniques to enable us to do murals, portraits and gallery work in record time and to have lots of free time left for…whatever artists do with free time in paradise!

So now I am going to share with you, in gratitude for what this has done for my creativity and my life, an exclusive video by my teacher the famous Gerardo Amor showing you how to make a gorgeous 3-D planet with spray paint art

To get the free video, just put your email in the form above and I will immediately give you access to “How To Paint Planets” by spray paint Master Gerardo Amor + the new 2012 materials list.

If your ready to become a master of spray paint art and begin painting with spray paint, successfully selling your artwork and exhibiting in art galleries, or just really enjoying your new hobby and learning to paint in a way that’s really fun for you, this is the most important letter you have ever read. Here’s why….

You’re going to learn all about the breakthrough street art program that will transform you into a skilled and fast spray paint artist who can fascinate an audience in the street and make the kind of paintings that really shine, draw attention, and sell like hotcakes. The kind of spray paint artist who can create a whole galaxy in just minutes as a hobby or for a living.

I want you to experience what it’s like to do a painting with spray paint in just 5 minutes using only plates, spray paint and newspaper. To feel the flow as you improvise to your favorite music and know very naturally just what you need to do to create that painting the way you imagine it. To hear the crowd applauding you and telling you how amazing you are as you show your work. To feel the satisfaction of knowing you can paint anything you want with skill and style. To feel the thrill of selling your artwork on streets, in galleries and as a professional artist. Those good feelings of showing your work to others and hearing those...

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