Sunday, December 30, 2012

Steampunk Landing Gazette - Steampunk Landing

In addition to its free monthly newsletter and open forum, publishes a beautiful full-length quarterly gazette, available to Steampunk fans of all ages for instant download, for a VERY low quarterly fee.  We invite you to join our community, subscribe to receive our beautiful magazine, and maybe even participate in the next one as an active member of our community!

In this group, club, association, Nation…what have you…You can be SOMEBODY. You can be multiple SOMEBODIES…one more attractive than the next…one the ying to the yang of the other…infinite possibilities. You can be a Pirate today and an Airship Commander Monday. And you don’t need a ship or a Zeppelin. In our full-length, full-color downloadable gazette, you’ll enter a fantasy world like no other.

Everyone wants to belong. Everyone wants to “fit in.” But most know that we can NOT “fit in” or “belong” everywhere. Nor would we want to. If Everybody likes you, you are almost assuredly doing something WRONG!

The Steampunk Landing Gazette publishes interesting works you are unlikely to find elsewhere. The Gazette is published four times each year, and will be available to subscribers for instant download. You’ll be able to download your first copy directly from the thank you page once you’ve completed your purchase. Subsequent copies will be delivered quarterly, with a download link sent direct to your email inbox.

In addition to The Steampunk Landing Gazette, we have a forum for engaging with fellow steampunkians and discussing all things steampunk (you don’t need to subscribe to the Steampunk Landing Gazette to join us at the Steampunk Landing forum…just click the “Forum” link above and join the conversation today!). Subscribers to The Steampunk Landing Gazette will also automatically receive our free monthly Steampunk Landing Newsletter.

In the forums of Steampunk Landing, and on the pages of the Steampunk Landing Gazette, you’ll become acquainted with a very curious character—Elmo, the “Old Goat.” (He makes his home over at His love for all things goat, and his fantastical turn of storytelling phrase will pull you in to a world of Steampunk, where you’ll forget what’s real and reasonable and begin to believe that you’re living the high life in a Dickensian fantasy.

The chimerical Steampunk Goddess (visit her realm at will tickle your fancy with her sublime art, whimsical prose, and mythical fingernails. Don’t get up…she can reach you from there. A wiccan artist who weaves her best magic with pen and ink, the Goddess’s commissioned illustrations, photographs, and poetry can be seen internationally, but you’ll feel as though you have her all to yourself inside the ethereal pages of the Steampunk Landing Gazette.

That’s the most exciting part! The Steampunk Landing Gazette, in all of its full-color, steamy, punky, glory costs only $7.95/quarter. You can’t beat that with a...

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