Friday, December 28, 2012

Make It Fashion: Sales

The VIP exclusive Fashion Forum is a friendly environment, where anyone is welcome to join as long as you have a “winning attitude”, friendly to others and you have or are about to start a clothing line of some sort. (high end fashion, handbags, t-shirts, shoes, watches, bags, you get the idea all is welcome)

The VIP Makeitfashion forum is where we can all share tips, keep each other motivated like when a member meets a brick wall on their journey (starting their own clothing line).

If this sounds like you, please keep reading and we (the community) look forward to seeing you in the forum.”

First I want to say, congratulations on being interested in setting your goals to finally start your very own Clothing Label. It’s the most fun, exciting and somewhat daunting project you’ll ever start.

Are you like I was? You have many great ideas running around your head and you want to start turning your dreams into reality and start selling them? But don’t know how and where to start?

I had the same questions running through my head three years ago and have gone through it all first hand, from designing the concepts to finding a suitable manufacturer and actually getting the collection into shops.

Designing a collection is meant to be fun and exciting and for some creators a big dream, wearing your own garments and see your label show-cased in a nearby shop.

At the age of 28, it was finally time to start making it happen. With one year study at a Fashion Design School in Italy, Florence as my only source of designer knowledge I set out to make my very own Collection.

Let me tell you, I am NOT a big name fashion designer and I am not going to enhance my career and portrait it to be something it’s not, (compared to other sites stating to be a huge success and making millions). I am just a normal girl that has followed my dream and started my own fashion label. It has taken me around the world over the last three years and have gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience.

The reason for starting this site was that I received a lot of the same questions from other young entrepreneurs wanting to do the same thing, so much in fact that I decided put to my experience (and what I had learnt) into a guide to help others.

I have called it Alice’s Make it Fashion Guide and it is a combination of my personal story of my journey and an A-Z guide packed full with full of everything you will ever need to know when starting a clothing line. It contains the knowledge that I wish I had three years ago!!

Update: Now an excluseive VIP Members only Forum has been added to the package which is worth the purchase price just for the forum access itself...

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