If want to know how to read sheet music like the pros do then this may be the most important page you'll ever read. Learn the same methods used by top players to easily read sheet music.
From taking your first steps in reading music, to those that know the basics, let us show you the proper way of reading guitar sheet music. In the process you'll not only learn techniques for mastering reading but also to help you make quantum leaps as a guitarist. Not only that, but we'll show you how the process can be easy and fun.
If your reading isn't up to par, then going through material will feel exactly like this. Moving like a snail in slow motion, never getting to enjoy the music because all your time is spent trying to figure it out.
Do you look at it wondering what exactly does it say? All the pro's read, but does it seem a tad intimidating as you think about learning it? Do you resort to tab, because notation might as well be another language as far as you're concerned?
Are you ready for joining the ranks of the professional players by learning how to read guitar sheet music?
If you have no idea how to read and you've been getting along just on tabs, then this course is for you.
We already noted that tab gives you less than 8% of the information notation gives you, and we're not kidding. Tab is numbers, which are great... for math. But for music you need notes.
This is one that most students don't get. How is reading connected with technique? The easiest way to explain it would be to use an analogy: If you were a student, knowing how to read books would give you access to school, education and a better understanding of your craft. If you learn to read music you get access to the wisdom of pro musicians and join their ranks. You are able to speak the language of the Masters and learn from them.
This also brings with a giant growth in technique. Staying in the "cave" and learning music by numbers isn't the way to go.
Would you take seriously a person claiming to be a writer that doesn't know how to read or write? The same goes for music. You must be able to understand the language. This is not so you can be a snob and walk around with you nose held up, but rather because it allows you "entrance" into the circles of professionals across the ages such as Mozart and Beethoven. The knowlege you'll gain is invaluable if you really want to grow as a guitarist.
Without proper reading skills you cannot master rhythm. Tab gives you no information. Learn and understand rhythm intimately. Music IS rhythm. Not all musicians play melodies (think of a drummer) but all musicians play rhythm. Get the polished rhythm skills that you see the pros use. It can ONLY...
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