Thursday, January 17, 2013

Everything You Need To Start Your Own Digital Record Label

Today, for the price of a computer and a double sized cheeseburger you can be up and running your own digital label in 48 hours - and licensing product globally by the weekend! Okay - forget the cheeseburger - just a reliable computer, a domain name and a good web host! 

A new breed of  producers, production companies, managers, artists and songwriters are making a killing right now operating online record companies. Think about it - it’s the next progressive step. 

Your Song Code

Did you know that music can be written that encodes your birth date? The digits of your date become the “seed” notes which are used as the basis for the composition. These are tailor-made, human-composed pieces. Think DaVinci Code.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Another based on the same date: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

You Can Draw Too!

Your friends will be amazed at how fast you progress as you learn the tips and tricks that will make you a great artist… and it won’t be long before they’ll pay you to draw pictures for them!

In this book I start with the basics, and take you through a series of lessons designed to make you see and think like an artist. You’ll begin to understand the principles of good design, and learn how to observe objects critically in order to perfect you drawing skills.

21 ways to Generate Mega Money Online and Offline - World Entertainment Information

This guide is designed for people like you: people who need money now; and can’t wait for some business opportunity to work itself out Also, this e-book provides information on Internet marketing, with new current secret about making money online. My friends calls it a secret formulated legal way to mega money online and offline. This is like actually a secret to everyone, but i thank God today that is no more a secret and soon you will know it. I mean this eBook is a legal way that i used to generate over $83,000 US a month, this is not what you gonna be ashamed of. I started last three month and i have made over $250,000 profit, no debt no tax. Am just like you, i have no other skills, am 19 years old but rich now, do not be fooled by my age. I was so poor before, no money then, i seated thinking about this for so long but now that i have found that secret formulated way for legal-mega money generator, yeah am about to share with you. You don’t need to spend money before achieving your goal with this eBook. This is a Guide that you can’t afford to pass you by. Simply because you have spent all your money on buying eBooks without any improvement, this is the end of your financial failure on earth, Have you ever said this,>> Enough already. That’s it. I have had a gutful. No more of this crap for me>> Now you must read this, This is a guide and is for you. Anyone Can Achieve Wealth Following This Simple Formula! Click below to get this eBook at $47 only and rejoice for ever!

I’ve tried countless other ways to make money… stocks, options, real estate, etc. While they all have their plusses and minuses, there is no better way to earn a substantial income than with this proven system. When you get your hands on my guide, you’re going to get everything you need to start making your own fortune on the Internet, in your spare time, from the comfort of your very own home.


About the Company: Originally the company was based around Specialised Printing in the 1980's, but as the growth of computers took over there wasn't a need to use a small printing company anymore, so we ourselves needed to diversify into other design fields.

Today we are mainly into 'Web Design' - 'Search Engine Optimisation' - 'Backlinking Specialists' - 'Web Consultants' - 'Internet Marketing' - 'Advanced Marketing Strategies'... but the structure of the business is built around 'WISDOM and PHILOSOPHY'. Basically ... Ethical solutions in this modern world...

Learn Wedding Photography from the Professionals

The Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 is the updated version of one of the best-selling professional training courses for beginner wedding photographers on the market. The original course sold worldwide for 4 years and helped hundreds of photographers start up and run their own successful wedding photography business!

If you want to break free from the hum-drum chains that are holding you back so that you can finally do something you love, either for a living or as a part time enterprise, the Wedding Photography Blueprint 2.0 will help you on your way.

Watch Photography Secrets

Attention: Calling all watch collectors, watch sellers, or anyone that just loves photographing them...

"Who Else Wants to Discover the Surprisingly Simple, Step-By-Step Methods for Taking Perfect Watch Photographs Every Time... 100% Guaranteed!"